Difference Between Hoarding and Laziness (With Table)

Many of us want to be free of the high burden of work and want to just leave things as they are. For example, people do not pay attention to the neatness of their bedrooms and even do not hold themselves accountable for the mess that they have created all around. This behavior tells a lot about an attitude of a person. Some people are affected by laziness, and some of them are just okay with hoarding things.

Hoarding vs Laziness

The main difference between hoarding and laziness is that hoarding refers to the nature of human beings where they try to collect and pile up things and assignments for the future, thus giving rise to procrastination, whereas laziness refers to a state where human beings avoid doing any kind of work and wish that they shift responsibilities.

Hoarding refers to the continuous collection of things that even may not be useful. A person who loves hoarding finds immense difficulty in parting with things and getting rid of them. The individual tries to hoard and collect as many things as possible. The house of a person who loves to hoard things is always found messy and dirty.

Laziness refers to the negligence to use energy for getting the work done. Most people are suffering from laziness and run away from tiring work. They tend to shift responsibility and accountability to other’s shoulders. According to research, human beings are generally lazy because most of us would always prefer lying down rather than working hard towards our dream.

Comparison Table Between Hoarding and Laziness

Parameters of Comparison




Hoarding refers to a tendency of human beings or animals where they accumulate stuff and things that may be useless for a long period.

Laziness refers to the unwillingness of human beings to do a particular task despite having the capability and skill to do it.

Major Cause

The major cause and factor due to which an individual hoards things and stuff are the current economic state of the country or the individual.

The major cause of laziness may be some noxious habits in a person’s lifestyle.


The process of hoarding something may be a business strategy for increasing or decreasing the demand.

Laziness is a characteristic trait that is found in many individuals.


Hoarding is a trait that may be displayed due to the current economic conditions.

Laziness is a personal state, the intensity of which differs from person to person.

Clearing process

The things that have been accumulated due to hoarding can be easily cleared off.

The unwillingness accumulated due to laziness is difficult to clear off.

What is Hoarding?

Hoarding refers to the tendency of living beings to accumulate and collect things, thus making their surroundings unclean. The hoarding disorder may range from mild to severe. It may not have a direct impact on your life but will make your daily routine troublesome. The major symptoms of hoarding disorder are:-

  • Regularly buying things even if they are not needed.
  • The great difficulty in getting rid of unuseful things.
  • Always thinking about saving and protecting the useless items from other people.
  • Cluttering and hoarding things until the room becomes unclean.

The major reasons why people tend to hoard things are:-

  • They believe in the significance of these items and consider it important to store them as they will definitely benefit them in the future.
  • They are used to these items hence do not wish to come out of their comfort zone.
  • Sometimes are items may be a source of emotional support for them.

If an individual is experiencing the symptoms of hoarding disorder, they must immediately consult a doctor who is specialized in this type of treatment.

What is Laziness?

Laziness refers to a personal state in which a person runs away from doing work. A person just wants to sit, relax, and enjoy rather than working hard to achieve his goals. This is the reason for rising red-tapism as people tend to shift responsibility to another person and be themselves free.

The major causes of laziness in human beings are lack of sleep, anxiety, and tiredness. Many people are lazy by nature and do not wish to complete the assigned task. The major psychological causes of laziness are:-

  • A person may not find his interest and passion in work assigned to him.
  • The person does not see the reward and end purpose of doing a particular task.
  • Self-deception may also be one of the major causes of laziness.

The most important steps that one should take for overcoming laziness are:-

  • Set long-term goals and short-term goals. Proceed slowly towards the aim.
  • One must not deceive oneself.
  • Set your goals in accordance with your interest and passions.
  • An individual must reward himself so that he does not burn out.

Main Differences Between Hoarding and Laziness

  1. Hoarding refers to the tendency of human beings and animals to collect and accumulate useless things, whereas laziness refers to a personal state where an individual does not wish to work.
  2. Hoarding is guided by economic interests, whereas laziness is guided by personal interest.
  3. The major symptom of hoarding is collecting items, whereas the major symptom of laziness is shifting responsibility to others.
  4. The things accumulated due to hoarding can be easily cleared off, whereas the unwillingness instilled due to laziness is difficult to clear off.
  5. Hoarding may be a disorder or a business strategy. On the other hand, laziness is a personal state.


Hoarding and laziness are two different states. If a person is feeling lazy due to depression and anxiety, he/she must immediately consult a therapist. If a person is feeling lazy due to no reason, he/she must try to boost themselves up and work by setting both short and long-term goals and objectives.

If a person is suffering from a hoarding disorder, he/she must also consult a doctor and take the required treatment. These two terms are entirely different, and if anyone is experiencing intense symptoms of any of these, he/she must consult a doctor.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563218301365
  2. https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032511-143116