Difference Between Hornets and Yellow Jackets

Hornets vs Yellow Jackets

The Hornets and yellow jackets belong to the Vespidae family of insects. Both of the insects are known as social wasps. Though these two insects share certain common features, they are very much different.

As the name suggests, the yellow jackets have black body with yellow markings. On the other hand, the hornets have a reddish brown body with yellow markings. It can also be seen that the Yellow jackets have more pronounced black and white stripes than the Hornets.

One of the main differences seen between Hornets and yellow jackets is in their nests. The hornet builds oval shaped nests above the ground. They usually build nests around trees and bushes. On the other hand, the yellow jackets build their nest just below the surface or on the ground.

One can also come across difference in their size. The Hornets are larger than the yellow jacket.

When comparing the aggressiveness, both Hornets and Yellow Jackets are aggressive and inflict painful stings. But it is seen that the Yellow Jackets are more aggressive than the Hornets. The Hornets generally sting only if they think that their nest is under attack.

Another noticeable difference between Hornets and yellow jackets is in their food preference. The yellow jackets can be called as scavengers. The Hornets generally feed on live insects. The Yellow Jackets swarm around the garbage and dustbins during late summer season as they love sweets. It has also been noted that in summer, the Yellow Jacket workers feed the larvae with other insects.

The yellow jackets have black body with yellow markings. On the other hand, the hornets have a reddish brown body with yellow markings.
Yellow jackets have more pronounced black and white stripes than the Hornets.
The Hornets are larger in size than the yellow jacket.
The hornet builds oval shaped nests above the ground. They usually build nests around trees and bushes. On the other hand, the yellow jackets build their nest just below the surface or on the ground.
The yellow jackets can be called as scavengers. The Hornets generally feed on live insects.
The Yellow Jackets swarm around the garbage and dustbins during late summer season as they love sweets. It has also been noted that in summer, the Yellow Jacket workers feed the larvae with other insects.
Yellow Jackets are more aggressive than the Hornets.