Difference Between HRM and IHRM (With Table)

Management is the effective operation of a company or organisation to meet its objectives, targets and goals. It comprises the administration of the company’s capital, financial, and human resources, all of which contribute to its financial worth. Human resource management includes marketing, production, human resource management, strategic, financial, operations, information, service, and technology, as well as international human resource management in the case of companies that hire expatriates.


The main difference between HRM and IHRM is that HRM refers to the management study which focuses on human resources in a particular country. However, International Human Resource Management focuses on human beings all over the world, and not until a specific physical boundary. IHRM is a comparatively higher specialised course with more scopes than HRM.

HRM is the abbreviated form of Human Resource Management. HRM is well-known for dealing with a narrow and limited perspective and viewpoint. That is, it only searches for HR in the domestic country. HRM is bound to follow all the rules and regulations made by the country where the company’s headquarters are located. Standard policies for all employees are created in HRM, and they are the same for everyone in the country. Only citizens of that country are permitted to work in HRM. In the case of HRM, the danger is negligible.

IHRM stands for International Human Resource Management. This study deals with a broader view of IHRM. IHRM follows the regulations enacted by many countries throughout the world. Interference generally takes place between the IHRM and the lives of workers. People from many cultures collaborate in the case of IHRM. Risks such as crises and terrorism are present in IHRM. Different cultures have an impact on the culture of an organisation or a firm in IHRM.

Comparison Table Between HRM and IHRM

Parameters of Comparison



Full form

Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management.


Adheres to the law of a particular country.

Adheres to all universal laws.


Standard policies are made, and it is the same for everyone.

In the lives of the employees, interference happens.


People belonging to only one culture can work efficiently.

People from various cultures work together.

Risk factors involvement

Minimal risks.

High risks involved, such as terrorism and crisis.


Adaptation to the culture is easy.

A company’s culture gets affected by different cultures.

Employer-Employee Relationship

The employer or the superior treats all the workers of the company equally.

Due to difference in culture, Employer deals with every employee differently.

What is HRM?

The acronym of HRM is Human Resource Management. HRM is known for its high reputation for dealing with a very narrow perspective and a limited viewpoint. That is, it only looks for Human Resources in the country where the company is initially located. 

HRM adheres to the rules and regulations of the nation where the firm’s headquarters is located. HRM personnel have an easier time adapting and adjusting to the culture. In HRM, the attitude of the company’s seniors or superiors is the same as that of all employees.

Standard policies for all employees are developed in HRM, and they are applied uniformly across the country. Only citizens of a given nation are permitted to work in HRM. HRM carries a low risk. The HRM personnel have an easy time adapting and adjusting to the culture. Seniors or superiors in HRM have the same mentality as the rest of the company’s employees.

What is IHRM?

The acronym IHRM stands for “International Human Resource Management.” This research in IHRM takes a broader view. Various people have different attitudes when it comes to IHRM. They can manage their work on a global scale. IHRM follows regulations enacted by many countries across the world. Interference occurs in IHRM and the daily lives of employees.

People from different cultures collaborate in the instance of IHRM. Risks such as crises and terrorism are involved with IHRM. Different cultures have an impact on the organization’s or company’s culture in IHRM. Various people have different views about IHRM. They coordinate their efforts on a global scale.

Main Differences Between HRM and IHRM

  1. Human Resource Management is abbreviated as HRM. However, International Human Resource Management is abbreviated as IHRM.
  2. HRM is well known for dealing with a narrow perspective. That is, it looks for HR for the domestic country only. However, in IHRM, this study deals with a wider perspective.
  3. HRM adheres to the law of that country in which the company headquarters are present. However, IHRM adheres to the laws made across the world by various countries.
  4. In HRM, standard policies are made for all employees, and it is the same for everyone in the country. However, in IHRM, in the lives of the employees, interference happens.
  5. In HRM, only the people belonging to a particular country can work. However, in the case of IHRM, people from various cultures work together.
  6. The risk involved in the case of HRM is minimal. However, in IHRM, risks are involved, such as crisis and terrorism.
  7. Adaptation and adjusting to the culture is easy in between the employees of HRM. However, in IHRM, the organisation or the company’s culture gets affected by different cultures.
  8. In HRM, the attitude of the seniors or superiors the the the the same as all the workers in the company. However, in case of IHRM, different people’ attitude is different. As they manage their work on a global level.


HRM and IHRM are two types of Human Resources recruitment studies. HRM generally work for management, recruitment and sometimes enhancing the skills of employees. IHRM focuses on the same management and recruitment work, but this involves those people who belong to other countries.

Although, both show almost the same functions when personnel management is considered. But, IHRM also deals with the orientation and training of the workers with various religions, ethics and cultural values. This property is lacked by HRM. HRM is unaffected by external factors. Only internal factors can affect it. However, both external and internal factors affect IHRM. It can be concluded that IHRM has a better scope than HRM.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=3phMDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA259&dq=hrm+and+ihrm&ots=j8ZjC04O6X&sig=EFBP4U1CwyctYCZvyg-g6-2nv4k
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09585199700000049