Difference Between Hypertonic and Hypotonic (With Table)

An even fluid combination of at least two fixings is an answer—one arrangement. By dissolving an answer in a dissolvable, an answer is created. Their fixations are subject to three sorts of arrangements. The arrangement’s focus is the amount of arrangement in one unit volume. A dissolvable’ s fixation decides the osmotic pressing factor; the base strain to forestall that answer streams across a semi-penetrable film. 

Hypertonic vs Hypotonic

The main difference between hypotonic and hypertonic arrangements is that Hypotonic arrangements are low osmotic pressing factor arrangements, while hypertonic arrangements are high osmotic pressing factor arrangements. The key qualification between hypotonic and hypertonic arrangements is that isotonic arrangements have equivalent osmotic pressing factors and hypotonic arrangements have lower osmotic pressing factors, and hypertonic arrangements are arrangements with a high osmotic pressing factor.

A hypertonic is a higher osmotic squeezing factor course of action than most plans. As the centralization of hypertonic fluids is more conspicuous, a high squeezing component ought to be applied to hold this course of action back from discovering a semipermeable layer. The osmotic pressing factor is the compel expected to forestall this development by the semi-penetrable film of the arrangement.

Hypotonic courses of action in plant cells can induce bulge. The cell expands as water comes into the cell of the plant. The layer of the cells is thusly planned to the cell mass of the plant. The mass of the cell will thwart the cell to explode. This is swelling, or this Hellenized cell is known as a ‘swelled’ cell. At the point when a cell is presented to a hypotonic climate, the cell has less water than the hypotonic solution. This is since fewer solutes are disintegrated into a high amount of water in hypotonic arrangements.

Comparison Table Between Hypertonic and Hypotonic

Parameters of Comparison




In this arrangement, outside the cell has higher solute focus than the liquids inside the cell. 

In this arrangement, outside the cell has low solute focus than the liquids inside the cell. 

Osmotic pressing factor 

High osmotic pressing

Low osmotic pressing

Solute fixation 

High Solute fixation 

Low Solute fixation 

Dissolvable fixation 

Low Dissolvable fixation 

High Dissolvable fixation 

Impact on the cell 

It causes cell shrinkage. 

It causes cell growth. 

What is Hypertonic? 

A hypertonic arrangement is a higher osmotic pressing factor arrangement than most arrangements. As the centralization of hypertonic liquids is more prominent, a high pressing factor should be applied to keep this arrangement from stumbling into a semipermeable layer. 

As the hypertonic arrangement is disconnected from the semipermeable film (not hypertonic), solutes in the hypertonic arrangement pass across the semipermeable layer. The hypertonic arrangement has a higher dissolvable focus, and the solutes will disregard an inclination of fixation (from a high fixation to a low concentration). An organic or manufactured layer is semi-penetrable and requires a few atoms and particles to travel through it. 

The osmotic pressing factor is the compel expected to forestall this development by the semi-penetrable film of the arrangement. As the hypertonic arrangement is thought extremely high, there is frequently a high strain to forestall the movement of the dissolvable. In this way, there is a solid osmotic pressing factor. 

For the protection of the natural product, hypertonic arrangements are utilized. For instance, if any natural product or fish are drenched in a hypertonic salt or are loaded with a hypertonic arrangement, microorganisms might be eliminated from the bundling area. 

This is because microbial cells contain exceptionally more water than solutes, and there is next to no water accessible in a hypertonic arrangement, like the fixation rate the water streams out of the cells. The deficiency of water permits the cell to recoil and annihilates microscopic organisms finally.

What is Hypotonic? 

An answer with a lower osmotic pressing factor is a hypotonic arrangement. The low osmotic pressing factor is because of the low level of the dissolvable. The osmotic pressing factor is the compel expected to forestall this development by the semi-penetrable film of the arrangement. The dissolvable development of the layer is lower when a hypotonic arrangement is detached from another arrangement by a semi-penetrable film. The constrain expected to stay away from this pattern is likewise accordingly less. 

At the point when a cell is presented to a hypotonic climate, the cell has less water than the hypotonic solution. This is since fewer solutes are disintegrated into a high amount of water in hypotonic arrangements. The cell grows first. At that point swells. The cell’s internal pressing factor is raised, and the cells can likewise detonate.

Hypotonic arrangements in plant cells can incite bloat. The cell swells up as water comes into the cell of the plant. The layer of the cells is consequently coordinated to the cell mass of the plant. The mass of the cell will forestall the cell to detonate. This is bloat, or this Hellenized cell is known as a ‘bloated’ cell. 

Main Differences Between Hypertonic and Hypotonic

  1. Hypotonic arrangement outside the cell has a lower solute fixation than the liquids inside the cell, whereas hypertonic arrangement outside the cell has higher solute fixation than the liquids inside the cell. 
  2. Hypotonic endosmosis happens as the water particles move into the cell. Whereas hypertonic ex-osmosis happens as the water atoms move out from the cell. 
  3. In hypotonic, the cells shrivel and lose shape. Whereas in hypertonic, the cells somewhat augment or even burst. 
  4. Freshwater is a hypotonic answer for saltwater fish, whereas corn syrup is a hypertonic answer for a cell.
  5. Hypotonic causes cell shrinkage, whereas hypertonic causes cell growth.


Constitution is the relative broken down solution fixation in an answer that decides the way and level of atomic relocation through a semipermeable layer. Three sorts of tonsillitis-based arrangements exist isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic arrangements. The key qualification between hypotonic and hypertonic arrangements is that isotonic arrangements have equivalent osmotic pressing factors and hypotonic arrangements have lower osmotic pressing factors, and hypertonic arrangements are arrangements with a high osmotic pressing factor.


  1. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/jappl.1962.17.5.841
  2. https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/jappl.1994.76.6.2275