Difference Between IMC and Marketing

IMC vs Marketing

“IMC” stands for “integrated marketing communications.” This article deals with the differences between marketing and marketing communications.

“Marketing” can be defined as a business or action of selling services and products and also promoting the services or products being sold. Marketing is used for all kinds of businesses. It is a very important process where it is determined which products or services are of interest to different customers. Marketing helps in formulating a strategy that should be used for business development, business communications, and use of sales. It also helps in building customer relationships and creates value for a business and its customers.

The main strategies of marketing are: to identify customers who are interested, make sure that the customer is completely satisfied, and finally, to make sure that the customer stays with the service or product. In business management , marketing management is one of the most important components. Marketing is necessary for developing new markets. The markets which later develop due to over capacities. The main focus in this process is to shift the attention from production to what a customer actually wants and how to get their attention when you have developed a product or service which the customer is looking for.

The most important marketing strategy is considered to be the identification of the needs of the consumers and customers, the ability of an organization to meet those needs and satisfy the customer, and be better at satisfying the customer than their competitors.

“IMC” stands for “integrated marketing communications.” It is a management concept where all the facets of marketing communication work together as one rather than as isolated aspects. Marketing communications include advertising, direct marketing, public relations, and sales promotions. IMC is a concept of bringing together separate aspects or elements of marketing and communication to consumers to buy their products or services as a whole as one strategy. It means to integrate the marketing strategies to connect places and people.

IMC is a process which deals with managing the customers and the relationships between product and consumer through communications. The communications efforts required for achieving this include creating and nourishing a relationship between customers and brands which are profitable. Such relationships are built by sending the right message to the customer and encouraging them to form a relationship and maintain it with the brand.

IMC includes integration and coordination of sources, avenues, and communications tools within an organization in order to minimize the costs and maximize the effects and impacts on the customers. The primary components of IMC are:

Corporate image, buyer behavior, brand management, and promotional opportunities.
Advertising tools like advertising design, advertising management, media selection for advertising and brand reinforcement.
Promotional tools like consumer promotion, trade promotion, sponsorship program, public relations, etc.
Integrated tools like Internet marketing, evaluation of IMC programs, etc.


“Marketing” can be defined as a business or action of selling services and products and also promoting the services or products being sold; “IMC” stands for “integrated marketing communications.” It is a management concept where all the facets of marketing communications work together as one rather than as isolated aspects.