Difference Between Indian Culture and Western Culture

Indian Culture vs Western Culture

Cultures differ from one country to another and from one region to another. No culture can be the same. This is also true with reference to Indian and western culture.

The Indian and western cultures differ in many aspects, such as, family relations, marital life, food, clothing, social life, and religious life.

Indian culture is considered to be one of the oldest cultures whereas western culture is considered to be modern.

When talking of family life, there is a great bond between family members in the Indian culture which cannot be seen in western culture. In Indian culture, one can come across joint families. When talking of western culture, however, they have only small family units.

Another difference that can be seen is that western culture is more open. Though social mixing is very much common in western culture, these are not approved of in Indian culture. In dressing, the Indians dress in a very modest way and do not wear revealing dresses. Wearing revealing dresses, however, is quite common in the western culture.

Though western people may become friends very soon, it cannot be taken as a commitment. If a person has to become committed to another, it may take some time in western culture. Indians are seen to become committed very soon.

In western culture, people have high esteem of their skills. They even openly admit their skills. Indians do not do so. They are somewhat shy and want some other person to boost their skills.

Now, concerning the status of women, they are considered to be equal in western culture. However, in Indian culture, women do not share equal status with men.


The Indian culture is considered to be one of the oldest cultures whereas western culture is considered to be modern.
When talking of family life, there is a great bond between family members in Indian culture which cannot be seen in western culture.
Though social mixing is very much common in western culture, these are not approved of in Indian culture.
In dressing, Indians dress in a very modest way and do not go for revealing dresses. However, wearing revealing dresses is quite common in the western culture.
In western culture, people have high esteem of their skills. They even openly admit their skills. Indians are more shy and prefer to have others esteem their skills.
Women are considered to be equal in western culture. However, in Indian culture, women do not share equal status with men.