Difference Between Indian Punjab and Pakistan Punjab

Indian Punjab vs Pakistan Punjab

The Punjab region is situated in Iran, Afghanistan, West Pakistan, and Northwestern India. It has an Indo-Aryan heritage and has been subject to invasions from different people resulting in the emergence of several ethnic groups that comprise its inhabitants.

Throughout its long and rich history, it has been inhabited by people of various nationalities and religions. This has resulted in the development of one of the earliest known cultures of the world. Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Mughals, Afghans, and the British have all been influential in the formation and development of the region. People in the region are Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Muslims, and Jains among others.

In 1947 the region was partitioned between the two states which were formed after the Indian independence from Britain which created the nations of India and Pakistan, namely; Indian Punjab and Pakistan Punjab.

Pakistan Punjab is one of the provinces of Pakistan, and it has the largest population of all the provinces. Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, is located in the province and occupies a huge part of the area. Pakistan Punjab is predominantly occupied by Muslims who moved to the region after the partition. There are several other minor religions like Christianity and Hinduism in the region too, but the majority of the people are Muslims.

Punjabi is spoken by the majority of the people in Pakistan Punjab, and it is the most widely spoken language in all of Pakistan. The Persian Arabic script is also used in the region whose vocabulary is heavily influenced by Urdu.

Pakistan Punjab is considered a Muslim state as most of its inhabitants practice Islam like most of the people of Pakistan. It is very different from Indian Punjab which is more secular and is open to all religious beliefs.

Indian Punjab is mostly populated by Sikhs and Hindus who moved to the region after the partition. Although there are inhabitants of diverse beliefs and background in the area, a huge number of these are Sikhs and Hindus with the rest composed of Christians, Muslims, and others. The region is divided into the states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, and Delhi. Punjabi is spoken by a small number of its inhabitants which is heavily influenced by Hindi, the language that most of the people speak and use among several other languages.


1.Indian Punjab is the part of the Punjab region which is situated in Northwestern India while Pakistan Punjab is the part of the Punjab region which is situated in West Pakistan.
2.Although both regions are inhabited by people of various religions, Sikhs and Hindus comprise the majority of the people in Indian Punjab while Pakistan Punjab is predominantly Muslim.
3.Pakistan Punjabi is influenced by Urdu while Indian Punjabi is influenced by Hindi.
4.Pakistan Punjab is a Muslim state while Indian Punjab is more open to people of various religions.
5.Pakistan Punjab is one of the provinces of Pakistan while Indian Punjab is divided into the following states: Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, and Delhi.