Difference Between Internet of Things and AI (With Table)

The development of technology has greatly impacted our everyday lives. Not a day passes without man finding new technology. This technological growth has made our life smoother and better. Internet of things can be simply defined as those devices that use the internet (examples include computers, mobile phones, etc.). Artificial Intelligence or AI can be defined as a process of making the computer or the machine do work intelligently.

Internet of Things vs AI

The main difference between the Internet of things and AI is that the internet of things can be defined as a way of connecting everything, starting from cities to homes, making a completely connected world using the internet. On the other hand, Artificial intelligence or AI is the process of directing the machine or the computer to perform the task intelligently, just like an intelligent human.

IoT or the internet of things is the concept of connecting everything with the help of the internet. Examples of the internet of things include mobile phones, computers, smartwatches. In general, whichever device that uses the internet comes under the internet of things. It is the concept of inter-related and connected devices. Some of the features of the Internet of things include sensing and storing data.

Artificial intelligence or AI is considered to be the next big thing of humankind. To simply put, artificial intelligence is the way of making machines (example: computers) think intelligently, just like an intelligent human. One of the unique features of artificial intelligence is that it does not require any human interaction.

Comparison Table Between Internet of Things and AI

Parameters of Comparison

Internet of Things



Internet of things is the concept of connecting everything within a network.

Artificial intelligence is the concept of making machines think intelligently.

Human involvement

IoT requires human involvement.

AI does not require human involvement.


Smartwatches, smartphones, and smart homes.

Speech recognition, chatbot, translator, etc.


The Internet of things depends on AI.

Artificial intelligence does not depend on IoT.


Instructions are required.

AI can perform individually from experiences.

What is Internet of Things?

IoT or the internet of things can be simply understood as the interconnecting of devices within a network. In general, whichever devices that we use in our everyday life that uses the internet comes under the sun of the internet of things. To simply put, it is the network of devices (physical devices).

Any device that is embedded with sensors and gets connected to a network comes under the internet of things. An even simpler example can be the smart home concept. Whenever you move from your living room to the kitchen, the ceiling fan in the living room gets off after sensing that you have moved to the kitchen. The ceiling fan comes under the internet of things as it is connected to a network.

Any physical device that is associated with a network and is embedded with sensors or actuation is called the internet of things. Professionals who work for the internet of things try to improvise the way of living by undertaking projects such as smart cities, smart homes, etc. The Internet of things has grown rapidly and tremendously. In a sense, almost all devices that we use today work on the concept of the internet of things. It improves the human’s lifestyle way of living and helps in efficient living.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, as the name suggests, it is the method of making machines or computers work and act intelligently. It’s the same as human intelligence or natural intelligence. The father of artificial intelligence is John McCarthy. He developed the LISP language and coined the term artificial intelligence.

AI gained momentum during the 2000s, thereby developing day after day. Artificial intelligence is used in businesses for growth and profit. Artificial intelligence is even used in the decision-making process, mainly in businesses. Examples of artificial intelligence include speech recognition, translators, chatbots, etc. People use artificial intelligence in their everyday life, examples including Google Assistant and Siri (IOS).

Unlike the internet of things, artificial intelligence does not require human interaction and acts smartly. Artificial intelligence is also used in robots. Maps and navigation tools are one such example of artificial intelligence. Whenever we try to search for a destination, this tool navigates to our destination by showing a route with all possible quick routes and traffic areas. Speech and facial recognition are also an example of artificial intelligence. It recognizes our voice or face (lock screen in our phones) and unlocks the device. C++, Python, and R are the coding languages that are used in artificial intelligence.

Main Differences Between Internet of Things and AI

  1. Internet of things can be simply defined as interconnecting devices within a network. On the other hand, artificial intelligence is the process of making machines think and act intelligently.
  2. Artificial intelligence does not require human interaction. On the other hand, the internet of things requires human involvement.
  3. In terms of dependency, artificial intelligence does not depend on IoT, whereas the internet of things depends on AI.
  4. The Internet of things requires the instructions of a human. On the other hand, artificial intelligence can perform based on its experiences.
  5. Examples of IoT includes smartphone, smartwatch, smart home, etc. Examples of AI include chatbots, speech recognition, translator, etc.


The field of technology has seen tremendous growth over the years. Internet of things and artificial intelligence are considered to be the next big things in the technological world. Knowingly or unknowingly, we all depend on the IoT and AI in our everyday lives. They make our lives simpler and easier. This results greatly in saving time.

The Internet of things depends on Artificial intelligence. Right from the smartwatch that we use during our morning walks to the mobile phones we own, everything is based on the concept of the internet of things and artificial intelligence. The Internet of things is an interconnected device, whereas artificial intelligence is making the machine think and act intelligently.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167739X17315765
  2. https://storage.googleapis.com/pub-tools-public-publication-data/pdf/27702.pdf