Difference Between IoT and Big Data (With Table)

In the upcoming Era, A man moving from one place to another can control his electronic devices remotely from anywhere with the help of machine sensors, and to justify all such things in the future we need IoT which is called as Internet of Things.

Also, In the past several years, the Internet is flooded with huge data of Social Media, E-mails, Digital Payments, and much more which are collected and processed as per the requirement of the Internet, that process is called Big Data Analytics.

For most people both things sound similar, In contrast, they play significantly different roles with Data management. Moving further we have collected a bundle of points where they have separate areas to work on.

IoT vs Big Data

The main difference between IoT and Big Data is of functional role where IoT aggregates and processes data from machine sensors and other electronic devices on the other hand Big data handles diversified content stored by humans over the internet in the form of Media. They both have determinism data from different sources.

IoT (Internet of Things) means globally connected machines or internet devices that support in collection and exchange of data. In Layman’s language, a device that aggregates and store data over the internet is termed IoT also defined as a huge collection of digital data which vary from each other.

Big Data though seems similar to IoT but the daily collection of data over the internet related to weather, payments, stock market, photos, videos, GPS Maps, and more, this mass data is prominently called Big Data. This huge amount of data requires modern technologies to process which is done with the help of Big Data Analytics software.

Comparison Table Between IoT and Big Data

Parameters of Comparison

IoT (Internet of Things)

Big Data


The concept of IoT is to design smart machinery to exchange human intermediaries by creating an interconnection between devices.

The Concept of Big data is to dig out the latest data, news, or content that helps in decision making.

Real-Time Data

To make effective decisions IoT utilizes real-time data to collect, process, and analyze.

Processing of Big Data is not done in real-time. Data is collected first and then analyzed after a gap.


The purpose of IoT is to detect and correct the Issues being in assets.

In Big Data analyses we find out the root cause behind the problem from the existing abundance of data.

Data Sources

IoT Collect and Process Machine-generated data aggregated and compressed by sensors like Steam Iron.

Big Data Process Human-generated data like E-mail, social media, and more as people upload.

Basis of Results

In the case of IoT, one must be able to understand the information collected through machine sensors for the right output.

Big Data Analytics uses Statistical formats to generate results from a huge quantity of data.

What is IoT?

The term IoT (Internet of Things) refers to the interconnection of devices to track and monitor them remotely over the internet with the help of big data to assess the current position of the device to control it in a real-time manner. It’s a strong element that sensor machinery positions and commands it to function accordingly.

IoT is all about data, devices, and connectivity where all the devices are digitally connected to perform and function over a single command. It requires a very accurate analytics model to provide absolute output logically. In the case of IoT results matter, a lot as it must be specific that what is happening with a particular device or equipment.

Irrespective of the correct output, the results provided by the IoT mechanism should be explainable as, why the output is correct. In the last few years, IoT has taken a very important place in human life as all physical objects in our surrounding have a sensor connection over internet to coordinate devices in such a manner to make our daily life smooth and easy. This digital era is embedded with IoT-based devices for our regular use where interconnection of these devices leads to solve various problems of human life.

It uses artificial intelligence deployed in machines and other devices for data transmission over the web mode by collecting data and process it for immediate output over command. It is important for the automation of web-based businesses and the growth of such digital businesses globally.

What is Big Data?

The term Big Data refers to the study of a large amount of data which is mostly unstructured by unstructured here we mean the data which doesn’t have any specific format or standards. This data software process and analyze data from the sources like payment portals, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Since such a huge amount of data cannot be helpful for anyone until it is in a structured form to research therefore Big Data Analytics stores and extract data to provide a structured output that helps people to resolve their problems cost-effectively and quickly.

The Output of Big Data is utilized by IoT in a real-time manner as an input for the study of object sensors of electronic devices. 3 types of data are usually managed and safely stored by Big Data software Unstructured, Semi-Structured or Structured. These types of data sets cannot be processed and analyzed with ancient systems of data management as huge files of excel, PPT, chat history, call recordings are not easy to procure. 

The increasing variety and velocity of data are produced every minute with an endless flow, this large volume of data is required by businesses globally to expand their business in which they require Big Data Analytics.

Main Differences Between IoT and Big Data

  1. Function to be performed: The IoT is one of the largest data producers over the internet for various devices and Big Data is there for consumption of mass volume of data present on the internet.
  2. Operational Capabilities: IoT collects, extracts, and processes the data streams instantly to command action in contrast Big data aggregate unstructured data, store it, extract it, and provide analyzed data on the further stage.
  3. Human Interface: IoT procures information from sensor equipment and converts itself into results where no manual process is involved whereas Big data procure information present widely as uploaded by humans every day like credit cards, WhatsApp chats, and more which is processed later to be studied by humans for their issue.
  4. Pros n Cons: IoT is all about the interconnection of devices on a global platform by procuring data from equipment and devices for immediate results in the contrary Big Data keeps collecting information in an unsystematic manner takes time to process the data stream.
  5. Support Ingredients: In the case of IoT the support ingredients are Food processors, Alexa, refrigerators, motor vehicles, and more, In the case of Big data personal data of humans about their money, interest, lifestyle work as the source of wholesome information.


Where both the terms come together it usually left people clueless that is they work together with the same function which is not true at all, IoT and Big Data might complement each other but they both have independent duties to perform over the internet about data.

Big Data Analytics is taking charge of the industry by performing the function of data analytics which helps the new age industry to understand the market, consumer behavior, growth scenarios to achieve better results in business.

People see big data as just the Internet economy but the majority of data is equipped with Google and Facebook in a mass volume and all such data produced by IoT is consumed by Big Data.


  1. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/complexity/2018/7875460/
  2. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/internet-of-things-and-its-impacts-in-computing-intelligence/211742