Difference Between Islam and Judaism

Islam vs Judaism

Religion has always been a delicate subject to discuss, considering the fact that people have their own set of opinions and beliefs. However, it is still good to learn about other people’s religions, so that we can treat them better, and more importantly, respect their own beliefs. You might be surprised at how people, despite having different religions, actually have the same beliefs in most aspects of life. Here, we will take a look at the difference between Islam and Judaism. What are the key differences between the two?

Islam literally means submission to God. It is a religion which follows the teachings found in Qur’an, the book that gives the teaching of Allah, their God. They also follow the teaching of the prophet Muhammad.

Those who practice Islam are known as Muslims, meaning, ‘one who submits’. They consider their religion to be the completed and universal version of monotheistic faith. Similarly, they follow the five pillars of Islam, which refers to the five duties that unite them as a community.

Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and is predominant in the Middle East, North Africa and a large part of Asia.

Judaism, on the other hand, is a religion which centers on the principle and ethics found in the Hebrew bible, known as Tanakh. It is believed to have started at the same time as the covenant of God and Abraham.

Jews all over the world may practice different forms of Judaism, but the focus will still be on their core belief. That is, belief in divine revelation and the acceptance of the written and oral Torah, or Jewish Laws.

Traditionally, Jews living in Muslim lands are given privileges to practice their religion, but are subject to certain conditions. This creates a complex relationship between Islam and Judaism. Jews lead an inferior status under the Islamic rule.


1. Islam is the religion followed by Muslims, while Judaism is followed by Jews.

2. Islam’s teaching is based on the Qu’ran, while Judaism’s ethics is a pattern from Tanakh.

3. Islam is governed by Allah and Muhammad’s teachings, while Judaism is rooted from the covenant of God and Abraham.