Difference Between Islam and Yahudi

Islam vs Yahudi

In most of the literature , we find that Yahudi is a translation of Yahudah tribe. If this statement is true then the literal translation of Jew should mean the tribal of Yahudah. On the contrary Jew means a sect of people who follow Judaism.

According to scripture, Yahudi is referred to Yahudah tribe or people of Yahudah domain. The Israelite rule went through a split into north and south. Tribes from north were called as Israel while the southern part was called as Yahudah.

Many Muslims believe that Islamic movements are going through a rough patch in the wake of new age politics. According to them all these struggles are an outcome of knowledge transfer from early Islam to contemporary period is not smooth enough. Prophet teachings helped in bringing about a positive social change to pre-Islamic Arabian world. The Islam that was formed thereafter was rich with teachings of Allah.

In order to understand more about Yahudi, we should go back in history to understand the early Islamic period. In early part of Islamic history there existed the power war between the followers of Muhammad and the majority of others who refused to accept Muhammad as their higher degree due to power structure. This led to army clash after prophet became the power-base of Muslims in Yathrib. The war was between the followers of Prophet and rest from the Arabian world.

The Israelis from Madinah refused to accept Prophet due to racism .Prophet is an Arab by birth and had decadence from the family of Ibrahim. Their indifference turned against God himself for not giving the holy mission to their race. The Israeli Yahud also used hypocrisy to fight against the new Islamic power structure and doctrine from within. Many of the reformists were well known Prophetic.

These Yahudi’s raised their concern on selected occasions or public meeting where Prophet had his preaching meetings organized. These Yahudi’s declared that they accept Islam and it’s doctrine. But they went ahead to raise their disinterest in the new Islamic power structure.

Muslims and mushrikeen had their first disagreement in Makkah. This was enacted through social excommunications and boycotts. They also launched psychological war for their cause. Yahudi’s or Islarli’s were fighting the losing battle against the Muslims and Islamic order.

In the new scenario, Yahudi’s have relocated themselves into Palestine. They have also become more independent than from being autonomous. They are also considered as ahl al-kitab. They are no more classified as the unbelievers or kuffar.

Yahudi control the Israel of today with their higher economic status. The mushrikeen are controlling the economic scenario from Arabia to Asia and Africa. These changes have impacted the evolution of Islam of today. It would be ideal to revisit the history to learn the history and form better tomorrow.


1. Islam is based on the teachings of prophet. Islam is designed to have prophet as it higher order.
2. Yahudi’s on the contrary believe in Allah the only god and refuse to accept Prophet as their higher order.