Difference Between Jasmine Rice and White Rice

Jasmine Rice vs White Rice

There are many different families and varieties of rice. One of them is white rice. White rice has many different qualities and varieties, and Jasmine rice is one of the varieties of white rice.

White Rice
“White rice” is the term used for any polished rice whose husk, seed germ, and bran have been removed. After the removal of the bran, husk, and germ, the texture and flavor of the milled rice changes. The appearance of the grain is also altered because, if only the husk is removed, the rice is referred to as brown rice which is, as the name suggests, brownish in color and takes more time and water to cook than white rice. White rice has an extended storage life and is less prone to spoilage over long periods of time. The white color is due to the polish on the rice grain which also makes it shiny and bright in appearance.

Rice varieties like Basmati and Jasmine are well-known and another popular, long-grain, white rice. Arborio is a well-known, short-grain, white rice. Short-grain rice is sticky when it is cooked compared to long-grain, white rice. There are a few common methods of cooking rice depending upon the final results desired and the type of white rice being cooked. Commonly, 240-260g of rice is obtained after cooking 100g of uncooked rice.

Different varieties of white rice have different nutritional values primarily depending upon soil conditions, fertilizers used, prevailing environmental conditions, etc. It has been researched that white rice loses some of its nutrients like thiamine, which is Vitamin B1. Thus, in some countries like the U.S., the white rice has to be enriched with vitamins B1, B3, and iron before making it available to the market. White rice tastes very good and has a refined taste and aroma. However, in these modern times, brown rice is preferred by health-conscious people more often.

Jasmine Rice
Jasmine rice is a variety of long-grain, white rice. It is also known as Thai fragrant rice. Jasmine rice is from Thailand and thus the name, Thai fragrant rice. Jasmine rice is also referred to as Thai Hom Mali rice. It was originally named Khao Hom Mali 105 variety in 1954 in Thailand.
The main feature of Jasmine rice is that it is a long-grained, white rice having a nutty aroma. The flavor is pandan-like because of the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline. When cooked, the grains cling to each other, but it is not very sticky.


1.White rice is any polished rice which has its husk, bran, and germ removed. It looks bright and shiny due to the polishing process and loses some of its nutritional value while polishing. They can be long-grained or short-grained. 2.They are many varieties while Jasmine rice is a specific, long-grain variety of white rice originally from Thailand.