Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Evaluation

Job analysis and job evaluation are two issues that are very important for HR professionals in any organization. People are often confused between these two concepts and treat them as being same. The fact is they pertain to totally different aspects of a job and enable one to know not just different roles and responsibilities associated with a job but also the worth of a job in comparison with other jobs in an organization. Let us take a closer look at these terms and what they really mean to an employee and the management of an organization.

What is Job Evaluation?

There are many jobs inside an organization and they are ranked in terms of their relative importance. The point to remember is that it is jobs according to their content and not those who are holding them that are ranked in job evaluation. Objectives of any job evaluation program should be well documented so that there is no untoward bias while evaluating jobs. The program finally ends with deciding the wages and perks associated with different jobs in an organization.

What is Job analysis?

Job analysis is a part of any job evaluation program but actually precedes job evaluation. Job analysis is vital to rank it in a hierarchy of jobs which is what job evaluation aims it. Job analysis is the process of gathering all information and data about a job so as to be able to successfully indulge in job description and its specification.

Job analysis is important from the point of view of prospective employees as well. A job analysis gives in detail the skills required to perform a job, the qualifications, physical and mental demands, education, experience, various responsibilities associated with the job (such as responsibility towards machines and equipments as well as responsibility towards safety of other around), and working conditions with the hazards associated with the job.

What is the difference between Job Evaluation and Job Analysis

• Despite being a part of the broader job evaluation process, job analysis is an important program in itself.

• While job evaluation aims at finding the net worth of different jobs in an organization with the aim of finding salaries and wage differentials, job analysis tries to find out everything about a specific job including the role, responsibility, working conditions, skills required, demands and hazards associated with a job.

• Management of any organization always endeavors to make the salaries and wages associated with jobs attractive so as to able to compete with other companies in luring better talent.