Difference Between Judge and Jury

Judge vs Jury

We hear of trial by a jury and cases being heard by a single judge or a bench of judges. The words jury and judge have become so commonplace, and so used to hearing and seeing these words in print that we hardly pay attention to their differences. Both are words that pertain to posts and people holding similar posts and performing similar functions. However, there are differences between the roles and responsibilities of a judge and a jury that will be highlighted in this article.


A judge is a person competent in law and appointed to hear cases in a law court. The exact roles and responsibilities of a judge may differ from one country to another, but in general, he is the person in charge of proceedings in his court of law and decides the quantum of sentence for the guilty party or individual as well as award financial penalties. There are Supreme Court judges who are also called justices or federal judges, and are competent to hear cases involving interpretation of law or constitution. These judges, however, can hear trials of individuals also. The decision of Supreme Court judge is final and binding on the party or complainant as it is the highest court of law.

Judges in lower courts hear cases and summon witnesses to get the truth behind a case. These judges have the power to decide on the guilt or innocence of a person and award sentences accordingly.

A judge has to appear fair and honest at all times, and not be biased by circumstances or people. In addition, he may arrive at decisions as per the provisions of law and not according to personal likes or dislikes.


A jury is a body of people appointed to arrive at a decision in a matter that may have come up in a law court. Jury’s decision is called verdict or judgment in much the same manner as a single judge. Juries oversee proceedings in a court of law to award sentences to the guilty or to acquit innocent people. The people making up a jury are labeled jurors. Jurors are not necessarily competent at law and are mostly eminent personalities in different walks of life. In fact, according to some, and they are right, jurors are not true professionals but give impartial judgments.

Evidence and witnesses are present to the jury that analyzes all evidence and documents before arriving at a decision. The word jury comes from the French juror that literally means to swear an oath.


What is the difference between Judge and Jury?

• Jury is a body of people sworn in while judge is a single person.

• Jury is comprised of jurors who are people drawn from various walks of life and sworn in to arrive at impartial decisions or verdicts. Judge is a person competent in law, and appointed to decide cases in a court of law and pass judgments.

• Jury is more of a fact finder while a judge is responsible for law and has to give a verdict according to provisions of law.