Difference Between Jungle and Rainforest (With Table)

Earth is covered with approximately 30% of the landmass that can be distinguished in forests, landmasses, Greenland, jungles, etc. Such places are present and located based on the different climates. And the presence of different vegetation, flora, and fauna are all based on the climatic conditions of these places. Some are located near the equator, some in plains, some in mountain regions. 

Jungle vs Rainforest

The main difference between Jungle and Rainforest is that jungle is a place with small size trees, less experience amount of rainfall, less rich in vegetation, absence of canopy system, etc while comparatively, on the other hand, a rainfall experience a tremendous amount of rainfall, possess canopy system, the huge height of trees, along with rich in vegetation. 

A jungle is commonly referred to as a place with lots of trees of large size and with thick bark and huge foliage. Such places are rich in vegetation, flora, and fauna. The canopy system is absent in the jungle. The common climate experienced is hot and humid with a certain amount of rainfall. 

Rainforest is generally expected to be experiencing a high amount of rainfall causing dampness on the ground. This is also because of the darkness experienced as due to the high canopies sunlight is not possible to cross the path and reach the ground. Such areas are mainly found near the equator and are also said to be tropical or temperate.

Comparison Table Between Jungle and Rainforest

Parameters of Comparison




A place with tropical forest and thickly grown trees having to part between them

A place with densely covered trees large in size, heavy rainfall, dark and no wildfires


Rainfall and tropical

Temperate with high rainfall, humid, dark, damp





Moss, shrubs, thick and impenetrable trees, undergrowth plants, predatory plants

Thick and large trees


Absent they are usually parted

High canopies even the sunlight is unable to reach to the ground floor


Covered around rainforest

Densely located high trees surrounded by jungle

Animals location

On ground

On trees mainly

Flora and Fauna

Insects, wild animals, vines, shrubs, rodents

Mostly half the type of varieties are found in it

What is Jungle?

A jungle is defined as a place that is covered with tropical forest, grown trees having parted way to walk through sometimes. Such places are sometimes often said to be a part of damaged or cleared large rainforests. These places can be located near the area lying on the equator.

The climate of any jungle is tropical and less amount of rainfall is observed. The temperature range of such areas lies in between from 20°-25° to 5°-10° and during the night the fluctuation may reach up to 20° C. One feature that is absent in a jungle is the presence of canopies.

The animals living in the jungle are mainly found on the ground floor. And the different flora and fauna expected in such places are – Insects, wild animals, vines, shrubs, rodents. The vegetation found includes – Moss, shrubs, thick and impenetrable trees, undergrowth plants, predatory plants.

What is Rainforest?

Rainforest is defined as a place that is covered with temperate forest, dark area, high amount of rainfall causing dampness, high levels of humidity, and is densely located. These are generally said to be surrounded by any jungles. The rainforests are usually found near the area located on the equator.

The climate of these places are hot, humid, and has continuous deviation in temperature from approximately 20°-30° in a day and night it falls up to 5° to 10° C. In such places, one could find different levels of canopies that do not enable the sunlight to cross the path from the sky to the ground floor causing complete darkness.

The size of the trees is very huge and tall, even they are densely located having no spaces in between. The canopies present are the homes of many animals in the forest. Scientists have found that such types of forests may have almost half the type of varieties of flora and fauna found on the Earth.

Main Differences Between Jungle and Rainforest

  1. A jungle is defined as a place covered with tropical forest, thickly grown trees not much in height and has parted way through it while comparatively, on the other hand, a rainforest is defined as the place filled with large size thick trees, heavy rainfall, dark, humidity, and damp area. 
  2. The climate found in a jungle is generally tropical with less amount of rainfall while comparatively, on the other hand, the climate found in a rainforest is likely to be temperate with a huge amount of rainfall, dampness, humidity, and darkness.
  3. The size of the trees present in a jungle is small while comparatively, on the other hand, the size of the trees in a rainforest is very large and dense.
  4. The vegetation expected to be present in a jungle includes – Moss, shrubs, thick and impenetrable trees, undergrowth plants, predatory plants while comparatively, on the other hand, the vegetation is expected to be present in a rainforest includes – thick and large trees.
  5. In a jungle, the canopy system is absent while comparatively, on the other hand, in a rainforest the canopies of the trees are very high and due to this even the sunlight is unable to cross the path. 
  6. The appearance of a jungle is more likely to be surrounded by a forest while comparatively, on the other hand, the appearance of a rainforest seems to be surrounded by the jungle. 
  7. The flora and fauna to be found in a jungle are as follows – Insects, wild animals, vines, shrubs, rodents while comparatively, on the other hand, the flora and fauna found in a rainforest mostly include half of the type of varieties found in the world.


To summarize the given topic this can be concluded that our mother earth is covered with approximately 30% of the landmass. And in that percent to the continents have been found with different percent of flora covered in it. The presence of these jungles, grasslands, forests, etc is necessary for the fauna to live. Also, the requirements fulfilled by these forests are innumerable.

From the air, we breathe to the food we eat, the wood used to manufacture different furniture to the different clothes we wear, all are acquired or received from nature. And at this very moment, there is a sustained need for humankind to save them. With increasing population and other factors, there has been a decline in the green area on our mother earth causing the ultimate threat to the planet.

On the individual part, everyone should come forward and at least take a minute step such as plantation drive, spreading awareness, relocation of trees and plants, etc.


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1440-6055.1994.tb00942.x
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1191/14744744004eu299oa
  3. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04755-y
  4. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0154876