Difference Between Kindness and Generosity

The key difference between kindness and generosity is that kindness refers to being helpful and thinking about other people’s feelings whereas the term generosity often associates with a person’s willingness to give something to another.

Kindness and generosity are two inter-related virtues that stem from a person’s willingness to help another. However, there is a slight difference between kindness and generosity as kindness basically refers to being helpful to and considerate of other people whereas generosity basically refers to the action of giving something, either abstract or concrete. Nevertheless, we often use these two words interchangeably as kindness can refer to being generous to someone and being generous can always include giving kindness to another.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Kindness
3. What is Generosity
4. Relationship Between Kindness and Generosity
5. Side by Side Comparison – Kindness vs Generosity in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Kindness

We can basically define kindness as the quality of being friendly, considerate and generous. In other words, a kind person thinks about other people’s feelings and like to help others. Affection, gentleness, and care are some qualities that go hand in hand with kindness. Kindness is also considered as a virtue. There are various ways to practice kindness. Kind words, a smile, opening a door for someone, helping someone to carry a heavy load and consoling someone who is grieving, etc. are some real-world examples of kindness.

Aristotle, in Book II of Rhetoric, defined kindness as “helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped.” Thus, a kind person does not help another person expecting something in return or for some personal gain. In other words, there is a genuine intention and willingness to help another behind a truly kind act.

In the cut-throat world we live in today, some people may see kindness as a sign of weakness; they consider a kind person as someone naïve and gullible, and someone who can be taken advantage of. However, this is not true as being kind takes real courage and strength.

What is Generosity?

Generosity refers to someone’s willingness to give more help or money, especially more than strictly necessary or expected. A generous person is happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need, without expecting anything return. We also consider generosity a virtue. It is practiced and encouraged in most cultures and religions around the world.

Generosity can also refer to charity and involves offering aid, time or talent to aid people in need. In fact, this is the foundation behind various charities and non-profit organizations.

What is the Relationship Between Kindness and Generosity?

  • Both kindness and generosity are virtues we must try to cultivate.
  • There is an interrelationship between these two words as kindness can refer to being generous to someone and being generous can always include giving kindness to another.

What is the Difference Between Kindness and Generosity?

Kindness is the quality of being friendly, considerate and generous while generosity refers to someone’s willingness to give more help or money, especially more than strictly necessary or expected. Thus, the key difference between kindness and generosity is that kindness refers to being helpful to and considerate of other people whereas generosity basically refers to the action of giving something, either abstract or concrete. Let’s look at some examples to understand the difference between kindness and generosity more clearly.  Comforting a crying child, opening a door for someone, and smiling with someone are examples of kindness. Donating money to a charity and giving food to a beggar are examples of generosity.

Below infographic explains the difference between kindness and generosity, comparatively.

Summary – Kindness vs Generosity

Kindness and generosity are two virtues we all must cultivate in our lives. Although these two words are inter-related, there is a slight difference between kindness and generosity. Kindness refers to being considerate of other people and being helpful whereas generosity basically refers to the action of giving something, either abstract or concrete.

Image Courtesy:

1. “1197351” (Pixabay License) via Pixabay
2. “4019135” (Pixabay License) via Pixabay