Difference Between Kubernetes and Docker (With Table)

There are a few computer software applications that are used worldwide and are pretty famous among computer operators. Two of such vast and well-established computer applications are Kubernetes and Docker. One functions on a cluster of nodes whereas the other runs on a single node. Both the applications serve very different purposes and both have their pros and cons.

Kubernetes vs Docker

The main difference between Kubernetes and docker is that the former functions on a number of nodes grouped together in the form of a cluster and the latter functions only on a single node. Due to the involvement of a number of clusters of several nodes the Kubernetes is a comparatively more efficient application than the docker. 

Kubernetes is a computer software application that helps scale, deploying and manage a number of applications. Cloud Native Computing Foundation controls and manages Kubernetes which was initially designed by Google but later handed over to the Foundation. The computer software application was released approximately seven years back in the year 2014.

Docker is a software platform that helps in packaging, deploying, and building applications in the form of packages called containers. The software was developed in the year 2013 (around eight years back) by Docker, Inc. The operating system of Docker is Linux, Windows, macOS. The software was founded by Solomon Hykes, Kamel Founadi, and Sebastien Pahl.

Comparison Table Between Kubernetes and Docker

Parameters Of Comparison



Initial Release

Kubernetes was initially released or established on 7th June in the year 2014.

Docker was initially released or established on 20th March in the year 2013.


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is the developer of Kubernetes. 

Docker, Inc is the developer of docker.  


Kubernetes is computer software that helps manage applications with the help of several nodes grouped together into clusters.

Docker is software that helps manage applications with the help of only one node.


Kubernetes’s license is either free or paid. 

Docker’s license is called Apache license 2.0.


•Google Cloud Run.
• Docker Swarm.
• Rancher.
•AWS Fargate.

• LXC (Linux)
• Artifactory Docker Registry.
• Containerd (a container runtime).
•Pod man.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source computer system that helps manage, deploying and scale several applications automatically. The software is also known as K8s. The number “8” signifies the eight letters in the middle of “K” and “s” in the word “Kubernetes”. 

Kubernetes provides a number of different types of services. There are four types of services:

  • External Name
  • Load Balancer 
  • Node Port 
  • ClusterIP

The software functions on several nodes that are grouped together into a “cluster”. In a Kubernetes cluster, the API runs/ functions on port 443. The software was developed by Cloud Computing Native Foundation in the year 2014 on 7th June.

Kubernetes have certain alternatives which are listed below:

  • AWS Fargate 
  • Google Cloud Run
  • Azure Container Instances
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes System 
  • Open Shift Container Platform
  • Docker Swarm 
  • Nomad 
  • Rancher
  • Azure Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes serves a number of advantages. The benefits of Kubernetes are:

  • Kubernetes is quite portable and flexible.
  • The system serves multi- load capability.
  • Kubernetes leads the market.
  • It helps reduce cloud complexity.
  • Computer software helps increase one’s productivity.
  • The software system helps stabilize applications.

Kubernetes was originally developed by Google. It was later bought by the Cloud Computing Native Foundation. Since then the applications managing system has been owned by the foundation.

What is Docker?

Docker is a computer application containerization. It helps packing applications into containers. The containerization system was developed in the year 2013 by Docker, Inc. 

The system faces a lot of competition in the market. Here are a few competitors:

  • Google
  • Oracle 
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon Web Services 
  • Eclipse
  • IBM
  • Cloud Foundry 

Docker works on the basis of single nodes. It serves its functions via TCP port 8080. It has a free/ paid license.

Docker also serves as a host network that is referred to as the Docker Host Network. It can also be called “Docker Host Networking”. It helps share the network namespace of a docker container with the host machine.

Docker serves a number of advantages/ benefits:

  • Docker is a highly portable software system.
  • It increases developmental growth by higher efficiency and speed.
  • The system helps reduce the risks and efforts of applications.
  • Dockers promote containers that help increase the speed of the deployment of various applications.

In brief, docker is a computer software platform that helps one to create, manage, deploy and control a number of different applications. It is also referred to as a container. This is because it helps to package, manage, and deploy a number of applications.

Main Differences Between Kubernetes and Docker

  1. Kubernetes was set up in the year 2014 on 7th June whereas docker was developed in the year 2013 on 8th March.
  2. Kubernetes was developed or established by Cloud Computing Native Foundation while on the other hand docker was established or set up by Docker, Inc. 
  3. “K8s” is another name for Kubernetes while on the other hand “container” is another name for docker.
  4. Kubernetes functions on API port 443 whereas docker functions on TCP port 8080.
  5. Kubernetes runs or functions on a number of nodes ( grouped as clusters) while on the other hand docker runs on a single node. 


Kubernetes and Docker are two of the most renowned and well-established computer software. Both of the systems serve quite different purposes. One helps control applications using several nodes while on the other hand the other uses a single node to manage and control applications.

Kubernetes was developed by Cloud Native Computing Foundation in the year 2014 on 7th June. Though the initial developer of the system was Google. The computer system is also known as K8s. 

Docker was developed by Docker, Inc in the year 2013 on 20th March. It is also called a container as it helps pack and store several applications. Both the systems serve their own benefits.


  1. https://books.google.com/books/about/Mastering_Kubernetes.html?id=dnc5DwAAQBAJ
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7093032/