Difference Between Lace Knitting and Knitted Lace

Lace Knitting vs Knitted Lace

Both knitting lace and knitted lace are in the area of lace. Though both concepts seem to be just a difference in the placement of words, they have different meanings for people who actually practice them or are familiar with lace and knitting.

Lace knitting is a knitted fabric characterized by a row of plain knitting with an alternate row of knitted holes or yarn overs. The holes are considered as “stable” and strategically placed or purposely done in order to have an aesthetic appeal for the design. Lace knitting has a decrease in various patterns instead of regular patterns.

Lace knitting is more of a style, technique, and skill. It is not considered as fine compared to other forms of lace like needle lace and bobbin lace. It is used for garments due to its softness as well as its faster rate of production. Even though it is considered not as technically challenging as the finer kinds of lace, it is still considered as an ambitious feat for a knitter to attempt lace knitting.

Lace knitting can be categorized by background stitches which either fall under a stockinette or garter stitch. The four basic shapes in lace knitting are round, rectangular, square, and triangular. The shapes are often reflected in wraps or shawls, the basic product of lace knitting. In shawls, lace knitting drapes the shoulders delicately while showing off the design at the wearer’s back.

Lace knitting’s elasticity is both a weakness and a strength. The material drapes beautifully because it is elastic, but it needs to be shaped carefully and correctly to show off the material’s design to perfection.

The second concept is the knitted lace. Knitted lace is the actual fabric where the holes or yarn overs and their corresponding decreases on a row are made. Knitted lace sports suspended and twisted strands.

Knitted lace is also a classification of lace by technique and style. It was popular during the late 19th century to early 20th century. Knitted lace is similar to Cupboard lace and used for the fronts of cupboards and laundry cabinets and sometimes on the edges of tablecloths and bed linens.

To make a knitted lace, the basic tools are knitting needles and the knitting material which can be yarn or thread. Knitted lace uses a mix of increases, decreases, and yarn overs – all in a single thread. The yarn overs are the ones that make the design and decorative holes in the material. However, the knitting needles and the materials used for knitted lace are usually thinner compared to other needles used in other styles.

Knitted lace is considered as the finest form of lace due to its very thin and complex material. The usual applications of knitted lace are bridal veils and shawls as well as christening gowns. One famous example of knitted lace is Shetland lace, which is a very fine lace that can be pulled inside a wedding ring. Shetland lace enjoyed popularity during the reign of Queen Victoria when the monarch took a liking to this kind of lace as a fashion accessory.


1.Both lace knitting and knitted lace involve knitting needles, materials, and patterns in order to make articles of clothing.
2.Both lace knitting and knitted lace use increases, decreases, and yarn overs in order to create a certain style and design for the material.
3.Lace knitting pertains to the style and technique characterized by alternating rows of plain knitting and a row of knitted rows. It also has decreases in various patterns. Meanwhile, knitted lace also makes use of increases, decreases, and yarn overs in a single thread to create a specific design.
4.Lace knitting is not considered as a fine form of lace while knitted lace is considered one since it involves a thin material.
5.One common product of lace knitting and knitted lace is a lady’s shawl. Other products of lace knitting include various articles of clothing while knitted lace is also done for christening gowns.