Difference Between LCD and OLED (With Table)

Choosing your next television is a choice that everyone has gone through at least once in the past few years. With the evolution of technology, it is vital to keep our viewing gadgets as updated as possible in order to not miss out on anything. LCD and OLED refer to two different viewing screens present in a television.


The main difference between LCD and OLED is that while LCD refers to a technology that uses an LED backlight to illuminate all the pixels, OLED, on the other hand, refers to an advanced concept where each pixel is lighted on its own. These two versions of flat screens dominate the market in regards to the sale of televisions.

LCD expanded refers to a screening device that helps in showcasing images, graphics, figures, and letters. This is done by a matrix of liquid cells that hold the ability to turn opaque and change in color with the help of a current or electric field. All the pixels in LCD are lighted up by a backlight.

OLED is a fairly new technology that uses individual lighting mechanisms for each of its pixels. This gives it an edge over LCD. The screens used for projection in OLED consist of a layer of carbon and other organic substances. This is positioned two electrodes that display images when suffused with sufficient electricity.

Comparison Table Between LCD and OLED

Parameters of Comparison




LCD- Liquid Crystal Display

OLED- Organic Light Emitting Diode

Made of

It contains a matrix of liquid cells and organic substances

It has a layer of carbon and organic substances.


LCD has been around for quite a time. Has fairly old technology.

OLED comparatively is newer in the market. Therefore, it is technologically advanced.


LCD has a clean white color, by comparison.

OLED offers a better black color.

Power Consumption

LCD consumes higher power.

OLED requires lesser power.

What is LCD?

The abbreviation of LCD expands to Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is a display device that is concerned with the display of images, graphics, figures, and letters. 

The technique behind the functioning of LCD screens is attributed to a matrix of liquid cells that hold the ability to turn opaque and change in color. This is what forms the pictures that one can view on their screens. This is done with the assistance of a current or electric field. 

All the pixels in LCD are lighted up by a backlight. These pixels are a product of chemical combinations of different liquid organic substances. When power is conducted in a flow, these pixels turn opaque and are flooded with color.

LCD reimagined the field of viewing, and screens were breathed into life by the stunning visuals it presented. It is now succeeded by higher definition viewing techniques. 

However, LCD manages to retain its presence due to its affordability and no compromise offered to the quality.

LCD is powered by a sole backlight that carries the responsibility of illuminating all of the pixels. This offers a bright and clean white color that is unparalleled. They also offer a higher level of brightness. And a longer life.

To top the sundae off, they are cheaper than their counterparts. One of the few cons is that LCD screens take up a higher power source.

What is OLED?

OLED is used as a short form for Organic Light Emitting Diode. OLED is one of the most advanced technologies available for viewing screens.

The OLED screen uses a layer of carbon and organic substances to make it. This recent bout of technology is considered to offer some of the best viewing experiences to its customers.

To achieve its acute clarity, OLED has an individual lighting mechanism in each of its pixels. This eliminated the need for collective blacklight.

This serves both positive and negative effects. Their ability to switch off individual backlights allows OLED to reach pitch darkness. On the other side, this also proves as a drawback when it comes to reaching bright points, which are compromised.

Made by positioning two electrodes that are tasked with displaying images when provided with a viable power source, the OLED offers an exceptional contrast ratio to its pictures. OLED also offers its customers the ability to view their screens with no major difference from different angles.  

OLED consumes energy in relation to the brightness of the screen. Overall consumption of OLED is observed to be lesser than LCD. However, OLEDs are expensive when compared to their counterpart. They may not last as long as an LCD screen in the long run.

Main Differences Between LCD and OLED

  1. LCD, owing to its name has a liquid crystal substance that is aligned between two glass sheets. OLED has an emissive layer of organic substance wedged between conductive layers. They both denote screens used for viewing pictures.
  2. LCD was the first to be introduced into the market. OLED carries more innovative features and is more recently introduced.
  3. LCD uses a backlight technique to illuminate all its pixels, whereas OLED uses individual lights for each pixel.
  4. LCD offers more brightness and a clean white color to its pictures. OLED has a better contrast ratio in its display and is better known to showcase black color.
  5. LCD is less expensive but consumes higher power. OLED is by comparison, more expensive and requires lesser power.


While televisions are owned by all, the intricacies behind the screen, not paid that much attention to. With the ever-growing market innovations, it is difficult to make a choice. However, the screens used by televisions predominantly fall under either LCD or OLED type of screens.

These are similar yet different platforms that come with their own sets of advantages and liabilities. While LCD has been around for a longer time and is unshakeable in its brightness offered, OLED consumes lesser power and offers a deep contrast that is pleasing to experience. 

Both the screens are made using similar components and present pictures to their viewers in the best possible way; slight differences give LCD and OLED an edge against one another in various categories. The customers need to make an informed choice about selecting the one that best suits their needs.


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shin-Tson-Wu-3/publication/281701371_OLED_versus_LCD_Who_wins/links/573c7df208ae9ace840fd89a/OLED-versus-LCD-Who-wins.pdf
  2. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=