Difference Between Leptovox and Lipovox (With Table)

Leptovox and Lipovox are pills that aid in weight loss. Nowhere in history has it been mentioned that supplements come without any harm. 

Leptovox and Lipovox have 10 superfoods present in them. Although these supplements work for the same purpose the pills are composed of different ingredients. These also work as skin supplements.

Leptovox Vs Lipovox

The main difference between the Leptovox diet pills and Lipovox diet pills is that Leptovox has added four more ingredients on top of 10 superfoods and Lipovox diet pills have additional two ingredients on top of 10 superfoods. The major difference is only the ingredients. Leptovox’s additional ingredients include green tea, salmon oil powder, Alpha Lipoic Acid, DMAE while the additional two ingredients in Lipovox include ECGC and Idebenone.

The idea of Leptovox emerged when an inventor, as they named it, got to know about these 10 superfoods and tried all of them to lose pounds. Surprisingly this led to the discovery and invention of Leptovox by an inventor. 

The idea of Lipovox emerged when a college student was inspired to consume the superfoods individually while watching an episode of Oprah. The student challenged and took the superfood for straight 10 days and has seen her acne disappearing, lost 10 pounds in 10 days and this has led to the foundation of Lipovox pills to help with weight loss and skin complexion.

Comparison Table Between Leptovox and Lipovox

Parameters of Comparison 



What is it?

Leptovox is a diet pill that aids in weight loss with the help of innate 10 supplements.

Lipovox is a diet pill that helps in boosting metabolism to lose weight and heal the skin.

Who found it?

Name unknown, found by an inventor as they named it.

Name unknown, found by a college student.


Comes with a lifetime guarantee package and the ingredients are solid.

Comes with additional ingredients for detoxifying that helps in losing weight twice as Leptovox diet pills.

Side Effects


The pills cause some discomfort to some people due to several ingredients having laxatives.

Additional Treatments

Increase energy level, boost immunity, work as an anti-aging pill, work on skin, improve sleep. 

Regulates the blood glucose level, increases lean mass muscle, and increases bowel movements.

What is Leptovox?

According to markets, Leptovox was the first product to be introduced in the market. 

How do diet pills work towards weight loss?

Diet pills can ‘work’ by boosting metabolism, decreasing hunger, or preventing calorie absorption. Unfortunately, major of these drugs have long-term negative effects and are ineffective in the long run.

Many of the medications are diuretics, while others are appetite suppressants.

A diet pill is made up of chemical components that can help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and lowering your hunger. 

It can decrease absorption, boost fat burning, and decrease appetite. Obsession and weight reduction have taken over the lives of the majority of individuals. Diet tablets can make you feel more energized.

Coming to Leptovox, contains 10 superfoods that have been consumed for years now as they are considered healthy. 

All these superfoods directly work on your metabolism, by detoxifying the body, curtailing breakout, deterring water retention, and burning fat. 

Furthermore, Leptovox products also claim they prevent aging. To put in typical words they surmise that the pills also assist in the reduction of wrinkles appearance and prevent other aging elements on your skin. 

And also prevents acne to pop up on your skin by completely working as removal of acne.

Leptovox has the following superfoods and other ingredients:

  1. Soybeans
  1. Barely
  1. Buckwheat
  1. Pepper fruit
  1. Garlic
  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  1. Brazilian Acai
  1. Alfalfa
  1. Flaxseed
  1. Wheatgrass

Apart from the above 10 superfoods Leptovox also consists of various ingredients such as green tea, salmon oil powder, lipoic acid, and Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE).

What is Lipovox?

After Leptovox has been released in the market, Lipovox was released with the same intention as to aid in losing weight and provide few benefits to the skin. 

Many buyers also consider Leptovox pills as a knockoff as it resembles and replicates Lipovox pills.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=gWDsLrOpRDMC&oi=fnd&pg=PA5&dq=how+does+diet+pills+work&ots=zT0dZUe_Xh&sig=9g0AIR05QyYVAhszIGpAtP2ZlSg
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002822305002889