Difference Between Lucifer and Satan

Lucifer Vs. Satan

Religion has been practiced since time immemorial, with God being worshiped. Beliefs, however, exist regarding the opposite being of God, commonly referred to as the devil, and are associated with sin. The devil has many titles, such as Lucifer, Satan, prince of darkness, Moloch, father of lies and Beelzebub.


What is Lucifer?

Lucifer, a former Latin name referring to the planet Venus, and is associated with the falling of the morning star from heaven. This is the reason as to why it is associated with the devil. It is also commonly used in occultism in instances such as;

  • Anthroposophy- This is the classification of Lucifer as an opposite between Ahriman and Christ, hence representing a force associated with fantasy, visions, psychosis, and subjectivity.
  • Luciferianism- This refers to Lucifer as a guardian to the spirits.
  • Freemasonry- This is associated with the worship of Lucifer.
  • Witchcraft


What is Satan?

This is a being according to Christianity and Islam that seduces believers to go into sin. Initially, Satan was an angel of God who rebelled against Him. Satan is also associated with the first sin committed by humankind in the Garden of Eden.


Similarities between Lucifer and Satan

Both are associated with a belief against God


Differences between Lucifer and Satan

Definition of Lucifer and Satan

While Lucifer is a former Latin name referring to the planet Venus, and is associated with the falling of the morning star from heaven, Satan is a being who seduces believers to go into sin, and was initially an angel of God who rebelled against Him, and is also associated with the first sin committed by humankind in the Garden of Eden.

Lucifer vs. Satan: Comparison Table

Summary of Lucifer vs. Satan

Despite the fact that the terms Lucifer and Satan both represent a fall from the common faith in God, they may have some differences, from common use in the society today, to the origin and use of the terms.