Difference Between Lutheran and Presbyterian

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Many have taken interest in how  religions differ from one another. This article outlines some ways in which Lutheran faith is different from Presbyterian faith.

Lutherans believe that when Jesus died on the cross, it was for the forgiveness of all the people’s sins. It is for the people who have faith in Him, people who will have faith in Him, and those who do not and will never have faith in Christ. Lutherans teach about God’s unconditional love and unselfishness – He sent His Son to love and save the people of the world, even those who do not deserve His love. However, some of the Presbyterian Churches teach their members that the sacrifices Jesus made on that cross were limited. They say that His death was only for the sins of those who are chosen. People who are destined to believe and have faith in Christ for eternity will be the only ones who will spend their eternity in Heaven with Him. The rest, the ones who are not chosen, will not be cleansed.

The two religions also differ when it comes to beliefs about predestination. Lutherans believe that God has chosen whom he will save and allow to spend eternity with him – they are the ones who have trust and faith in Him and in Jesus Christ’s grace. They also believe that God did not predestine anyone to damnation; those who are damned are damned not because God wanted them to be, but because of their own sins. Presbyterians think differently about this – they teach in their churches about “double predestination”. They say that God predestined everyone’s rightful place, regardless of faith. Some people are to be saved eternally with Him, and some are destined to be damned. Man can do nothing to save himself from eternal damnation.

Lutheran Church Symbol

Both religions consult the Bible for their teachings and beliefs. Lutherans believe that the way to interpreting and understanding the Holy Bible is through the Gospel; they believe that it is the heart of the Scripture and the sole rule of the Christian doctrine. Presbyterians, on the other hand, emphasize that the central teaching of the Scripture is the glory and sovereignty of God.

A simple dissimilarity between the two is that Lutherans think accepting communions means you are really accepting the real body of Christ, while Presbyterians believe it’s just a symbol of the body and blood of Christ. Lutherans rely on their Christian doctrines in the Scriptures alone and don’t acknowledge the human reasons. Presbyterians, however, believe that the Scriptures and the human reasons work together. They don’t just base their source of doctrinal authority on the Scriptures; they also allow human reasons to intervene in it.

The two faiths also view the sacraments differently. For Lutherans, Baptism and the Lord’s Last Supper were actual means of the grace of God, while Presbyterians see it more as a mere symbol of His grace.


1. According to Lutherans, Jesus died on the cross for everybody. Presbyterians think it was only for those who are chosen.
2. Lutherans believe that if you have and faith and believe in God, you shall be saved. For Presbyterians, God has already chosen whom to save and whom to damn.
3. For Lutherans, the sole rule of the Christian doctrine is the Gospel. Presbyterians believe that it’s the glory and sovereignty of God.
4. Lutherans believe that the communion is the actual body and blood of Christ; conversely, Presbyterians believe it’s just a symbol of God’s body and blood.
5. Scriptures, for the Lutherans, are the only source of doctrines. Presbyterians, on the other hand, think that beside the Scriptures, human reasons should be a basis as well.
6. According to the Lutheran Church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the actual means of God’s grace; to Presbyterians, they are just symbols of His grace.