Difference Between M.Sc and PGDip

M.Sc vs PGDip

‘M.Sc’ stands for ‘Master of Science’ while ‘PGDip’ stands for ‘Post Graduate Diploma.’ Both are postgraduate courses that you can take after you have graduated from college. Some of the most significant differences between the two can be seen through the eligibility conditions, outcomes after graduating, and job opportunities that await those who have finished these courses.

The prerequisites needed for these courses also have striking differences. You have to pick up the right college course if you are looking to get a postgraduate course between these two. These post graduate courses should be one of the factors in deciding which college course you want to take. No one can just get these post graduate courses. That is why you have to decide earlier what course and eventually what career you want to have.

One has to finish a Bachelor’s Degree in Science if one wants to take up M.Sc as a postgraduate course. If the candidate has only studied science courses as ancillary or just as a subject which is allied to the candidate’s course, then that candidate can still take an M. Sc as his or her post graduate course. The M.Sc course can be completed in just a time span of two years.

The PGDip, on the other hand, has a different prerequisite compared to M.Sc. One must have a completed bachelor’s degree in any course to be an eligible candidate for PGDip. In addition, to be an eligible candidate for PGDip, one must pass the exam given by the particular school that offers a PGDip. PGDip can be completed in a time span of only a year. However, there are schools that offer PGDip that can be completed in a time span of two years.

If you have completed a course in M.Sc, then you are prepared and well equipped with knowledge concerning the branches of science. If you have finished an M.Sc, then you can get a position where you will be conducting experiments and research. One who has finished a course in M.Sc is adept in the studies and understandings of science. One can get a job as an assistant in research facilities or as a scientist in finishing an M.Sc course. In addition, one can be a teacher or an analyst after finishing a course in M.Sc.

Meanwhile, someone who has finished a course in PGDip has additional courses in the branches of science. He or she can then work as an assistant to a specialist or a scientist. This is because someone who has finished a course in PGDip is more for the application aspect of science. If he or she gets a job working under an artist, then he or she will be equipped with knowledge concerning the arts. After finishing a course in PGDip, one can get a job as an educator, assistant, or trainer.


The prerequisite for an M.Sc is a Bachelor’s Degree in Science while in PGDip, finishing a bachelor’s degree in any course makes you eligible.

PGDip has an exam you have to pass in the school concerned while M.Sc does not need this kind of exam.

After finishing a course in M.Sc, you will be equipped with knowledge in Science while in PGDip you will learn the sciences and arts.

M.Sc is more for studies and research while PGDip is more for applications.

M.Sc will give you a job as a scientist, researcher, and educator while PGDip can land you in a job as a trainer, educator, or assistant to a specialist or scientist. Ԭ