Difference Between Mammoth and Elephant (With Table)

Elephants have always been a relative of the Mammoths; both have a place with the family Elephantidae. Elephantidae are the main enduring group of the request Proboscidea; different groups of the request, which included mammoths and mastodons, went terminated. There is a danger of eradication for elephants in this day and age since they have been utilized for different purposes.

Mammoth vs Elephant

The main difference between mammoth and elephant is that mammoth is an extinct species. On the other hand, elephant is still in existence. Besides the undeniable truth that mammoths are wiped out, various physical, natural, and geographic contrasts recognize these behemoths. The two creatures are delicate herbivores, however, mammoths might have now and then battled utilizing their long tusks.

Until recent times, it was widely assumed that the last mammoths disappeared from Europe and the southern Mediterranean around 12,000 years ago, but new evidence suggests that some were still prevalent there around 10,000 years ago. The cave dwellers utilized lances with edges made of rock. They tossed the lances at the wooly mammoth, trusting they would enter the toughness and kill the creature.

Elephants are the biggest living area creatures, described by their long trunk (lengthened upper lip and nose), columnar legs, ivory tusks, and gigantic heads with wide-level ears. They don’t should be continually ready, however, they do have to eat and look for food as often as possible. Wild African elephants burn through a large portion of their days either eating or searching for food and drinking or scrubbing down and this leaves them with a little ideal opportunity for rest.

Comparison Table Between Mammoth and Elephant

Parameters of Comparison




Mammoth is any type of wiped out sort Mammuthus and has a place with the Elephantidae family.

Elephants are enormous well evolved creatures of the family Elephantidae and the sort  Proboscidea.


Mammoths existed around somewhere in the range of 2 million years prior.

Elephants are family members of the Mammoths.


They had thick hair and some additionally had a thick layer of thick fur on their skin.

They have less hair on their skin.


They are terminated.

They are as yet in presence, however are an imperiled species.


Mammoths had long and straight lengthy tusks.

The elephants have short tusks.

What is Mammoth?

Mammoths are elephant-like creatures, which lived 58 million years prior. They are medium to huge estimated elephants. Mammoths seen from the side are most elevated at the shoulders, inclining aft with a marginally bumped profile. They had thick and thick layers of fur garments on their bodies for security from the chilly temperatures of North America during the Ice Age. 

They had shallow-established teeth, called hyspodants, which were tall and assisted them with crushing the grass. During the last ice age, a period known as the Pleistocene, wooly mammoths and numerous other enormous plant-eating creatures meandered this land. Presently, mammoths are terminated. even though pterosaurs are close relations, they are false dinosaurs. 

Considerably more remotely connected with dinosaurs are the marine reptiles, which incorporate the plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs. Mammoths and mastodons are vertebrates and didn’t show up until a long time after the end of the Cretaceous time frame. Their huge, bent tusks might have been utilized for battling. They likewise may have been utilized as a burrowing device for scrounging dinners of bushes, grasses, roots, and other little plants from under the snow. 

However wooly mammoths went terminated around 10,000 years prior, people know a lot about them in light of where they resided. People lived close by wooly mammoths for no less than 2,000 years. Precipitation was the reason for the elimination of wooly mammoths through the progressions to plants. The change occurred so rapidly that they couldn’t adjust and advance to make due.

What is Elephant?

The elephant is the biggest living earthly creature. They are herbivorous and are found in various living spaces, including the savannahs, backwoods, deserts, and swamps, and like to remain in water more often than not. They are warm-blooded animals and are viewed as the cornerstone species because of their effect on their surroundings. 

They live in a mingled family, as gatherings, which are shaped because of the parting combination society bonds. They fundamentally impart by contact, sight, smell, and sound; and utilize the infrasound and seismic correspondence for longer distances. Elephants are known for their knowledge and have been contrasted and primates and cetaceans. They have the capacity for mindfulness. 

They likewise show compassion for passing on or dead people of their sort. An elephant’s skull is adequately tough to endure the powers created by the influence of the tusks and straight-on crashes. They have thick ear bases with slim tips. The storage segment, or proboscis, is formed by combining the nose and the upper lip. The upper lip and spinal column are secluded in the early fetal life.

The storage compartment lengthens and is a specific organ that makes the elephant the most significant and adaptable extremity. By weighing as much as 15,000 pounds, elephants are viewed as perhaps the most grounded creature in the entire animals of the world collectively. An elephant’s solidarity comes from its weighty body, the storage compartment, and the tusk, which they use to evacuate trees and dispose of their adversaries.

Main Differences Between Mammoth and Elephant

  1. The significant contrast between these species is that just one is living. Mammoths went terminated around 4,000 years prior while elephants are as yet alive today, albeit all types of elephants are compromised.
  2. Mammoths were heavier than elephants, with significantly longer tusks. They were more turned than elephant tusks and could grow up to 16 feet in length.
  3. If you’ve at any point seen an elephant, you realize that they have extremely slender layers of hair. mammoths had thick fur to adjust to cold conditions.
  4. At some point ever, notwithstanding, mammoths advanced to go outside of the warm environments of Africa, Asia, and Europe. While elephants stayed in these conditions, mammoths went to North America.
  5. Mammoths had bumps on their back close to their shoulders, however, elephants don’t have this.


Elephants have been killed by the people for their voracious uses and needs. Elephants are considered functioning creatures, as they can convey weighty burdens for a more extended distance. Associations are attempting to save this creature, so its kin’s liability to help those associations, as elephants assume an imperative part in the upkeep of natural equilibrium on the earth. 

A portion of the reasons answerable for the eradication of the mammoths was: the warming pattern (Holocene) that happened over the 12,000 years prior, went with the chilly retreat and rising ocean levels; the timberlands got supplanted by open forests and meadows across the landmasses; the spread of human trackers through northern Eurasia and Americas with newly created instruments; and the progressions in the climatic circumstances and ascent of Ice-age due to the less uber faunal creation.


  1. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature07446
  2. https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.6155699