Difference Between Maple Syrup and Corn Syrup (With Table)

Maple syrup and Corn syrup are both sugar syrups. Syrups are, used as food dressing items. Maple syrup is manufactured from the maple tree sap, which is further boiled, to reduce the percentage of water and concentrate in sugar. Though, corn syrup is made from the starch of corn kernels. In maple syrups, sugar is in the form of sucrose while, in corn syrups, sugar is in the form of pure glucose. 

These two syrups are broadly utilized in food dressing like it is presented, with hotcakes and waffles. When it is added to the food, it provides a sweet and delicate taste.

As the production method is different for both the syrups, therefore their price varies. It mainly depends on what amount of labor is used in manufacturing the syrup.

The price buffer for maple is high as it requires a higher amount of labor, while the corn syrup is cheaper as the production takes place in large batches.


  1. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ed084p1647
  2. https://academicjournals.org/Journal/BMBR/article-abstract/41CAC0411547