Difference Between Masculinity and Femininity (With Table)

The creation of types of humans is decided by birth, but their roles and personality traits depend on many factors. Some are influenced by gender, some are biologically affected, and many are set by society as rules and norms in the name of beliefs, culture, and society.

Masculinity vs Femininity

The main difference between masculinity and femininity comes with the beliefs and trends followed by society. Some associates masculinity with men’s power and feel like there are superior in society, and to bring equality, the concept of femininity is getting in vision with beliefs of equality and a better situation for them. 

Masculinity is a combination of traits, personality behaviors, beliefs, and some roles specifically assigned to the male gender of the society are known as masculinity. These all beliefs are mainly developed socially, and other ones are developed by genes and biologically influenced proved by researches. 

Femininity is a combination of traits, personality behaviors, beliefs, and some roles specifically assigned to the female gender of the society are known as femininity. These all beliefs are mainly developed socially, and other ones are developed by genes and biologically influenced proved by researches.

Comparison Table Between Masculinity and Femininity

Parameters of Comparison



Social norms

The traits that show masculinity in social norms include high ego, considers money and things as important, and work to live.

The traits of Femininity are mostly relationship-oriented, bring quality to the life of people, and do work for a living.

Politics and Economics 

The traits are highly motivated to economic growth and know the solution of conflicts as a force for masculinity.

For femininity, the protection of the environment is a must, and choice along solutions for conflicts is done by negotiation.


Most men can be aligned to become a priest, and for them, religion is at the highest priority.

Religion is not a priority for females, and they believe that both men and women can be priests.


There is a big gap between wages and the ratio of presence too. Masculinity is preferred at high positions.

Femininity gets lower wages, and their ratio in the work sector is also low as compared to men.  

Family and School

There are some teachings as boys do not cry, boys fight, and failing is a disaster for them.

Teachings are girls and boys both can cry and don’t fight and failing is not a big disaster for them.

What is Masculinity? 

Masculinity is a combination of traits, personality behaviors, beliefs, and some roles specifically assigned to the male gender of the society are known as masculinity. These all beliefs are mainly developed socially, and other ones are developed by genes and biologically influenced proved by researches. The traits that show masculinity in social norms include high ego, considers money and things as important, and work to live. The political and economic traits are highly motivated to economic growth and know the solution of conflicts as a force for masculinity. Most men can be aligned to become a priest, and for them, religion is at the highest priority.

There is a big gap between wages and the ratio of presence too. Masculinity is preferred at high positions in the work sector. There are some teachings in families and schools which make both masculinity and femininity different as boys do not cry, boys fight, and failing is a disaster for them. The idea of masculinity is coming for a long time and lead to unfair things with women in society. They believed that they are superior in comparison to femininity and sometimes took the bad decision for them too.

What is Femininity? 

Femininity is a combination of traits, personality behaviors, beliefs, and some roles specifically assigned to the female gender of the society are known as femininity. These all beliefs are mainly developed socially, and other ones are developed by genes and biologically influenced proved by researches. The traits and identity of Femininity are mostly relationship-oriented, bring quality to the life of people, and do work for a living. For femininity, the protection and care of the environment are a must, and preferable choice, along with solutions for conflicts, is made by negotiation. Religion is not a priority for females, and they believe that both men and women can be priests.

Femininity gets lower wages, and their ratio in the work sector is also low as compared to men. Femininity teachings are different as girls and boys both can cry and do not fight, and failing is not a big disaster for them. They are a bit targeted in the name of gender discrimination and treated unfairly. For coming up from that phase of discrimination, propaganda of feminism has been started. The idea is reaching to most of the people that they deserve the same respect just like men.

Main Differences Between Masculinity and Femininity 

  1. The traits that show masculinity in social norms include high ego, considers money and things as important, and work to live, whereas the traits and identity of Femininity are mostly relationship-oriented, bring quality to the life of people, and do work for a living. 
  2. The political and economical traits are highly motivated to the economic growth and know the solution of conflicts as a force for masculinity, whereas for femininity, the protection and care of the environment are a must and preferable choice along with solutions for conflicts is made by negotiation. 
  3. Most men can be aligned to become a priest, and for them, religion is at the highest priority, whereas Religion is not a priority for females, and they believe that both men and women can be priests. 
  4. There are some teachings in families and schools which make both masculinity and femininity different as boys do not cry, boys fight and failing is a disaster for them whereas femininity teachings are different as girls and boys both can cry and do not fight and failing is not a big disaster for them. 
  5. There is a big gap between wages and the ratio of presence too. Masculinity is preferred at high positions in the work sector, whereas Femininity gets lower wages and their ratio in the work sector is also low as compared to men. 


Both masculinity and femininity are beliefs and trends people follow according to their choice. No belief is wrong until u perform it with your eyes close and without thinking. Harm to another living being cannot be a good choice to make, so any belief which harms the other being cannot be right too. Considering this person should follow and maintain the protocol too for the future growth and hopefully all the conflicts can be resolved which are being the issue of today’s society. New generations will be different from these and maybe offending today’s generation people, but everyone should remember that it is their choice to what to believe.  


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=LyMo1RUJwj0C&oi=fnd&pg=PA105&dq=masculinity+and+femininity&ots=ipK629P8lC&sig=irQugLjMY2_m3-LEV9yj5jv-pLw
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF01544286.pdf