Difference Between Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom (With Table)

Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom are some of the most used for providing online education. They have their pros and cons and of course, it depends on your requirement too. They have been used to deliver online classes, assignments, tests, and other content. Trying to provide every reliable help to the student online.

Microsoft Classroom vs Google Classroom

The main difference between Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom is that Microsoft Classroom offers virtual classrooms with other utilities different from Google Classroom. A large number of participants can join in Microsoft classroom, unlike Google classroom. In Microsoft Classroom, there’s more ease in scheduling classes and creating different teams individually.

Microsoft Classroom is a Microsoft platform that allows you to schedule classes, distribute assignments, notes, and supporting materials, have an open voice and chat discussions, and can be viewed by a large number of people. The creation of teams based on different categories is much easier. Furthermore, each class or subject may also have its own set of digital blinders.

Google Classroom is also a platform similar to Microsoft Classroom. There’s a slight difference in utilities provided. It also offers virtual classrooms with productivity tools, custom assignments, review and organization of student’s work, an easy grading system, high accessibility, open discussion groups, and more controllability by teachers or providers.

Comparison Table Between Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom 

Parameters of Comparison 

Microsoft Classroom

Google Classroom

Easy to use

Microsoft Classroom has much more complex tools. 

On the other hand, Google classroom has simple features and tools to use. 

Document sharing 

It shares documents with cloud-based programs such as google docs, etc. 

However, In Microsoft Classroom sharing documents is only possible through OneDrive. 

Platform development 

Before, It was developed for business but then evolved for the learning environment. 

Google Classroom is developed for educational purposes only. 


More numbers of participants can access Microsoft Classroom. 

In contrast, a limited number of participants can access Google Classroom. 

Analyzing students’ progress

No tools for analysis of students’ progress in Microsoft Classroom 

Better tools for analysis of students’ progress in Google Classroom. 

What is Microsoft Classroom?

Microsoft Classroom offers a virtual space for large classrooms, meetings, lectures, etc. Microsoft classrooms include a variety of functions, such as making organizing classes or meetings much easy. Students and teachers have access to Microsoft Office, making it easy to use word, excel, and PowerPoint. Notes can be easily accessed by the students, even supporting materials.  

Providers can also make teams based on different categories while organizing and maintaining the groups.  Assignments, messages, and open discussions are all simplified for both students and teachers. Aside from that, digital blinders are created for each class or subject. 

Easy accessibility of materials even after classes. Although, notes are placed in a single location and can be accessed by any connected device. Teachers use these note tools for organizing lesson plans for students in one place. Thereby, sharing with students is much easier for them. 

Teachers can save time in the classroom by tailoring assignments, sharing resources, and reviewing students’ homework with the help of tools. With teams and OneNote Class Notebook, teachers can assess and instruct students. While analyzing student’s progress with the power of data analytics gives deeper insights for teachers to understand their student’s needs. 

What is Google Classroom?

Many schools use Google Classroom as a virtual classroom and learning platform to provide digital education to their students. It gives a range of tools with easy and securable usage. It is known as one of the user-friendly and accessible platforms for learning. It is much easier to provide supporting documents to the group once students added to it. And the entire class can access it. 

Teachers can comment in two-way communication on students’ assignments while a student working on such assignments. So, there’s no incomplete assignment or notes. Besides, a range of management tools is available to teachers that help them to switch between assignments and easier grading. Thereby, less time in evaluating assignments and more interaction with students. 

A range of time-saving features for both teachers and students includes scheduling assignments to multiple classrooms, analyzing students’ engagement, managing several classes at once, and submission of work faster. Also, enhanced grading and feedback features allow teachers to grade assignments efficiently and interact with students more. And interaction with students to improve their progress.

With the personalized learning features, the platform becomes more adjustable and accessible to students. Moving forward to organization features, a reminder for students, reviews for both, and formatting coursework for students automatically enhance the learning environment. Lastly, there are originality features, analytical features, and security features.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom

The main difference between Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom is that they offer several tools for enhancing the learning environment. Ranging from organization to security features are a bit different from each other. 

  1. Microsoft Classroom can be accessed by more participants, unlike Google Classroom. 
  2. In Google Classroom, everything is accessed in one place, while in Microsoft Classroom, there is a need to open multiple apps to work.
  3. Google Classroom is much easier to use than Microsoft Classroom. 
  4. Documents in Google Classroom are shared using a cloud-based program; google docs, while in Microsoft Classroom only can be shared through one drive. 
  5. Google Classroom is developed for educational purposes, whereas Microsoft Classroom is developed for business purposes.
  6. Additional features in Microsoft Classroom can be accessed from the class page, whereas in Google Classroom, an extension to a webpage needs to be added for accessing the additional feature. 


Microsoft Classroom and Google Classroom are both similar platforms. Microsoft Classroom was developed for business purposes but further developed for educational purposes. Besides, Google Classroom was developed for educational purposes. The significant difference between both is the features provided by them. Google Classroom is easy to use and more accessible than Microsoft Classroom. Although, more participants can access Microsoft Classroom than Google classroom. 

Additional features in the Microsoft classroom can be accessed from the class page. In contrast, Only after adding an extension to their webpage, the additional features can be accessed in Google Classroom.  Organization and sharing documents are much easier in Google Classroom. Even feedback and grading are available in it. It enhances students’ performance much more. However, in Microsoft Classroom scheduling classes and meetings are easier. Besides, digital blinders can be created for each class or subject. 


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-47411-9_18
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paul-Davidson-3/publication/323185079