Difference Between Mineral Water and Distilled Water

We humans cannot live without water just as it is impossible to live without air (read oxygen). With increasing pollution, it is the endeavor of everyone to consume pure water, or at least, does not harm him in any way. Water can be freed of its impurities through many means, and the simplest of these methods is boiling it for some time at home. However, boiling is not very easy at all times and hence we use distilled water. This is water that has received special treatment to remove impurities from it though it cannot be performed at home. There is another type of water known as mineral water that has become very popular. People remain confused by the differences of distilled and mineral water. This article tries to clear the doubts regarding these two types of pure water.

Mineral Water

As the name implies, mineral water is the water obtained from underground sources and contains minerals considered beneficial for human beings. In fact, the minerals dissolved in water give it medicinal properties. Springs, whether hot water springs or other types that occur naturally are believed to be sources of mineral water. In reality, the substances dissolved in mineral water are salts of elements that are known to have beneficial effects on our bodies. There are mineral waters that are effervescent; these waters are called sparkling mineral water. Those not having effervescence also called mineral water. To be classified as mineral water, there must be at least 250ppm of dissolved solids in the water.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is water that has undergone purification process known as distillation. This is a process that involves heating the water bringing it to boiling point and then boiling for a set time and then cooling the steam so produced in a glass container (condensation). Distillation strips water of its impurities but also leeches all minerals and electrolytes that may be good for us. However, this is the purest form of water. Despite being pure, distilled water is slightly acidic in nature that makes us fall prey to bacteria and viruses.


What is the difference between Mineral Water and Distilled Water?

• Mineral water contains minerals that are dissolved in it and is found naturally in the form of springs. On the other hand, distilled water is water that has been purified through distillation.

• Most of the minerals found in mineral water are calcium, iron, and sodium. These minerals are considered to be good for us.

• Distilled water is purest form of water but not considered healthy for drinking as it leeches out minerals and trace metals besides removing some oxygen.

• Minerals found in mineral water are more readily absorbed by our bodies than when we try to consume these minerals through food substances.