Difference Between Mods and Admins (With Table)

There are several complex terms that are frequently used in social media, but people do not know the meanings of such terms. It is common to be confused by the words like Mods and Admins. It is necessary to understand the definitions and differences between the words like Mods and Admins in the context of social media, etc.

Mods vs Admins

The main difference between Mods and Admins is that the word Mods is abbreviated as Moderators. On the other hand, the word Admins is abbreviated as Administrators. To put it in simple terms, the word Mods and Admins are words that sound or feel similar but have a unique set of roles.

The word Mods has been in use for a lot of years. In the era of social media, usage of the word Mods increased multi-fold. It is common for people to believe that mods or moderators are the creators or owners of a group. But that is a common misconception. The mods or moderators perform the task of moderating the groups.

The word Admins has been in use for a lot of years. In the era of social media, usage of the word Admins increased multi-fold. It is common for people to believe that admins or administrators are the people who look after a group. But that is another misconception. The admins are usually the creators or owners of the groups and can control all settings.

Comparison Table Between Mods and Admins

Parameters of Comparison




The manager of a group or board.

Admins are the creator or owners of a group.


It is abbreviated as Moderators.

It is abbreviated as Administrators.


Manage the day-to-day affairs in a group.

Control the group settings and look after the moderators.


Mods usually work below the admins.

The admins are usually superior to mods in the hierarchy.


Mods cannot hire or remove another moderator.

Admins can make anyone a moderator and can hire or remove existing mods.

What is Mods?

The word Mods is used to refer to the word ‘Moderator.’ The word mods have been in the mainstream for a few years now. The rise of social media saw the formation of groups or communities on these social media platforms. As these groups got more oversized and more connected, the need for a moderator became clear. The moderators are more commonly known as Mods on social media groups. 

The mods are the ones who moderate the groups. In simple terms, the mods manage the day-to-day running of the social media groups. They make sure that the groups are run smoothly without any issues. Mods regularly monitor the members of the groups if they are abiding by the rules of the social media groups. They perform other day-to-day tasks like accepting or denying new group member requests, removing or blocking bad actors from the groups, commenting, and handling support requests.

The mods are usually in charge of all the regular activities in a group. But they cannot hire or fire other moderators in the social media groups. The position of mods is provided to the long-term or trustable members of the groups. The administrators are the ones who can remove or make someone a moderator. There are a lot of job openings for mods in professional settings too. 

What is Admins?

The word Admins is used to refer to the word ‘Administrator.’ The word admins have been in the mainstream for a few years now. The rise of social media saw the formation of groups on social media platforms. These groups or communities on social media platforms are created by the admins. The administrators are usually the creators or owners of groups on social media.

The position of administrator or admins has been famous recently. Millions of groups and pages can be found across all social media platforms like Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, etc. All these groups, no matter how small or big they are, usually have admins or administrators. The administrators are the people who look after the social media groups. In smaller groups with fewer members, the administrators usually take up the role of a mod too. Admins would manage the regular day-to-day activities in groups. 

But in bigger groups with several members, the administrators usually hire other moderators. Admins would generally look after the moderators. Admins would still have all the crucial control over themselves. The need for admins had increased even in professional settings. They are expected to remain impartial and stick to the fundamental rules of the groups. 

Main Differences Between Mods and Admins

  1. The word mods are used to refer to the manager of a group, whereas the word admins are used to refer to the creator or owner of the social media groups.
  2. Mods are abbreviated as moderators. The word admins are abbreviated as administrators.
  3. The work of the mods is to manage the daily affairs in the groups. The job of the admins is to look after the mods and control the group settings effectively.
  4. In terms of hierarchy, the mods are the second-in-command to the admins. Admins are on the top of the power table.
  5. The mods are not empowered to hire or fire other moderators. Meanwhile, the admins are in charge of the hiring and firing processes of moderators.


The innovation of the tech era has given rise to different technologies, like social media, in the past few decades. The social media platforms became influential as millions around the world entered social media formed groups and pages. Admins and Mods are the two most important positions in any social media group.

The word mods refer to moderators. As the name suggests, the mods moderate or manage the daily affairs of the group. They look after the usual processes in the group. The word admins refer to the administrators. In social media groups, the admins are usually the group creators or the owners. They control the settings of the group and employ moderators to look after the groups.


  1. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1461444820986553
  2. https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2021i0.12236