Difference Between Moissanite and Diamond

Moissanite vs Diamond

Moissanite and diamonds are very similar in their looks. They will not make any difference to the common man. Moreover, an expert in gems may also sometimes find it hard to differentiate between the two in one look.

Diamonds come in high quality and, as such, they are high priced. Moissanite is just a look-alike of a diamond and so it comes cheaper than diamonds. Diamonds take millions of years to form whereas Moissanite is developed quickly.

If Moissanite is looked through a jeweler’s loupe, it shows doubling signs. On the other hand, a diamond does not show any doubling when viewed through the loupe. When compared to Moissanite, diamonds are singly refractive. When light is passed through Moissanite, it produces a rainbow effect. This rainbow pattern is not available with diamonds.

Another way to make out a difference between Moissanite and a diamond is by looking through the magnifying glass. If one comes across pipe-like inclusions that are seen in magnification, then the substance is Moissanite.

Diamonds are the hardest substance available on Earth. When a diamond has a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale, Moissanite comes with a hardness of 9.25. However, Moissanite is considered tougher than a diamond as it has no natural fractures. But Moissanite is found to be unstable at temperatures above 400 degrees and quite unreliable when the temperature reaches 1,000 degrees.

Diamonds are generally classified into various grades, but Moissanite is not graded. When compared to diamonds, Moissanite has a higher index of refraction.

Moissanite is a naturally occurring substance. Dr Henri Moissan discovered this substance in 1893. The jewel was named thus as an honor to its discoverer.


1.Diamonds come in high quality and, as such, they are high priced. Moissanite is just a look-alike of a diamond and so it comes cheaper.
2.If Moissanite is looked through a jeweler’s loupe, it shows doubling signs. On the other hand, a diamond does not show any doubling when viewed through the loupe.
3.When light is passed through Moissanite, it produces a rainbow effect. This rainbow pattern is not available with diamonds.
4.When a diamond has a hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale, Moissanite comes with a hardness of 9.25.
5.When compared to diamonds, Moissanite has a higher index of refraction.
6.Diamonds are generally classified into various grades but Moissanite is not graded.
7.If one comes across pipe-like inclusions that are seen in magnification, then the substance is Moissanite.