Difference Between Molar Solution and Normal Solution

The key difference between molar solution and normal solution is that the molar solution contains one mole of a compound dissolved in one litre of solvent whereas the normal solution contains one or more equivalents of solutes in a litre of solution.

A solution is a mixture of solutes and solvent. We can divide solutions into two types as molar solutions and normal solutions according to the concentration of the solute in the solution. They are “standard solutions” in chemistry. We can name a molar solution considering the number of moles in the solution while we name normal solutions considering the stoichiometry as well.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Molar Solution
3. What is Normal Solution
4. Side by Side Comparison – Molar Solution vs Normal Solution in Tabular Form
5. Summary

What is Molar Solution?

Molar solutions contain one mole of solute in one litre of solution. This means these solutions contain one mole of a substance dissolved per litre of solution. Therefore, the molar concentration of the solution is always 1M. For example, if we dissolve 58.44 g of sodium chloride (NaCl) in one litre of water, then we get the 1M aqueous solution of NaCl. Molar concentration is different from molar concentration because molar concentration gives the number of moles of the solute present in a litre of solution.

What is Normal Solution?

Normal solution is a solution containing one or more equivalents of solutes dissolved in a litre of solution. It is a similar chemical concept to that of the molar solution, but they are different from each other. We should give the molar concentration of these solutions considering the stoichiometry as well.

Figure 01: Different Chemical Solutions

One equivalent of solutes means the number of reactants that can produce one mole of hydrogen ions. Therefore, HCl or NaOH equals one equivalent whereas H2SO4 equals two equivalents per litre of solution.

What is the Difference Between Molar Solution and Normal Solution?

Molar solutions contain one mole of solute in one litre of solution whereas normal solution is a solution containing one equivalent of solutes dissolved in a litre of solution. Both these terms are nearly similar to each other but the difference between molar solution and normal solution is that when determining the concentration of solutions, we do not consider the stoichiometry of the solutes in the molar solutions. But for normal solutions, we consider the stoichiometry as well.

Summary -Molar Solution vs Normal Solution

Both molar and normal solutions refer to standard solutions in chemistry. Thus, we name them according to their concentrations. The difference between molar solution and normal solution is that the molar solution contains one mole of a compound dissolved in one litre of solvent whereas the normal solution contains one or more equivalents of a compound in one litre of solvent.