Difference Between Mother and Grandmother (With Table)

Mother and grandmother are two important persons in a child’s life. A mother is the one who gives birth to the child, whereas a grandmother is the mother of the child’s mother or father. Both mother and grandmother are equally important for raising the child.

The value and contribution of the mother are slightly higher than grandmother. The age of the mother is always less than the grandmother.

Mother vs Grandmother                                             

The main difference between mother and grandmother is that the mother is the person who gets all the rights and duties of the child. On the other hand, a grandmother doesn’t get all the rights and duties of a child if the child’s parents are alive. The word mother stands for any lady who gives birth to a child, whereas grandmother stands for a lady who has a grandchild.

Mother is a very important word that brings a lot of emotions and feelings. A mother plays a vital role in the upbringing of children. The mother is responsible for teaching ethics and values to the child. A biological mother keeps the child in her womb for nine months or till the birth of a child.

A grandmother is another important woman in the child’s life. The grandmother of a child is the mother of the child’s mother or father. The value of grandmother is high in the child’s life. The grandmother doesn’t keep the child in her womb but loves the child more than a mother.

Comparison Table Between Mother and Grandmother   

Parameters of Comparison




The age of the mother is less than a grandmother.

Age of grandmother is more than mother.

Relationship with child

Direct relationship

Indirect relationship


The responsibilities of a child are more on a mother.

The responsibilities of a child are less on a grandmother.


The duties for the child are more on the mother.

The duties for the child are less on the grandmother.


The role is more complicated than the grandmother’s role.

The role is less complicated than the mother’s role.

What is Mother?

The mother has a biological relationship with the child. A father and mother give identity to the child. The roles and liabilities of a mother are vast. The mother is considered the epitome of sacrifice for the child. The child stays with the mother for the whole day and night. This is the reason that mothers are generally strict as compared to grandparents.

The mother is more attached to the child than the father. The mother’s signature is one of the vital requirements for the educational career of a child. The love and affection of a mother for the child are not comparable to any other person. The mother can understand her child in a better manner than the grandmother. Therefore, a mother is the first teacher of the child.

The mother holds equal legal rights to the child, just like a father. If a person is a single mother, then all the rights of the child stay with the person. The contribution of a mother is highest in a child’s life.

What is Grandmother?

The place value of a grandmother in a child’s life is less than a mother’s. Generally, grandmothers are less strict as compared to mothers. Grandmothers are the mother or mother-in-law of a child’s mother. The grandmothers don’t get any legal rights of a child if the parents of the child are alive.

If the child’s parents are not alive, then the grandmothers may get legal rights which depends on the laws and regulations of the state. The grandmother is not bound to take any responsibility for a child. The grandmother gets the flexibility to meet the child whenever required. A child connects to the grandmother as the grandmother pampers a child more than the mother.

The grandmother has no direct connection with the child. The health conditions of grandmothers are not better than a mother. Therefore, the grandmothers can’t claim to take care of the child for their whole life. A grandmother has a better understanding and experience about the health of a child. A grandmother knows how to grow a child with good ethics and values.

In general, when it comes to grandmothers, the privilege is given to the real mother or mother-in-law of the child’s mother. The place of a grandmother is different in a child’s life that the mother can’t replace. The mother-in-law of the child’s mother has more rights as compared to the mother-in-law of the child’s father.

Main Differences Between Mother and Grandmother

  1. The age of the mother is less than the grandmother.
  2. The mother has a direct relationship with the child. On the other hand, the grandmother has an indirect relationship with the child.
  3. The mother gives birth to the child, whereas the grandmother doesn’t give birth to the child.
  4. A mother has a legal right to the child, whereas a grandmother may get legal rights under special conditions.
  5. Mother takes all the majority decisions about the child’s future. On the other hand, the grandmother is not liable to make important decisions about the child’s future.


Mother and grandmother are different from each other. The relationship of the child with mother and grandmother is completely different. The main difference between a mother and grandmother is the generation gap. The mother can understand the child’s requirements in a better manner.

The grandmother may not connect with the requirements or needs of a child due to the huge age difference. The mother is the wife of the child’s father. On the other hand, the grandmother is the wife of the child’s grandfather.

According to the English dictionary, the mother means who takes care of a child. The biological mother is the one who gives birth to the child. People should not get confused between mother and grandmother as they represent two different people in a child’s life.


  1. https://www.pep-web.org/document.php?id=ijp.030.0251a
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04036.x