Difference Between Myeloblast and Lymphoblast (With Table)

The human body can be surprising sometimes and you can find thousands and thousands of facts about the human body. Each and every second there is a reaction or some other thing is happening inside our body. And yes these reactions and processes are necessary for the human body in many ways.

Now, most of you have heard the term myeloblast in your biology class. Myeloblasts are nothing but are an immature type of WBC (White Blood Cell). Myeloblast cells are formed in the bone marrow and when these immature cells mature then they become matured white blood cells known as granulocytes.

The other term, lymphoblast is also an immature cell that further matures into lymphocyte. Now, if you are hearing these terms for the first time then you might think that they have almost the same meaning but they are quite different.

Myeloblast vs Lymphoblast

The main difference between myeloblast and lymphoblast is that when myeloblasts cells mature then they form into a matured cell called as granulocytes whereas lymphoblasts get differentiated into lymphocytes.

Comparison Table Between Myeloblast and Lymphoblast

Parameters of Comparison




Myeloblast is an immature white blood cell that is formed in the bone marrow.

Lymphoblast is also an immature cell and develops into lymphocyte when matured.

Nucleus Shape

Curved in shape. Can be in S, C or V shaped.

Round in shape.

Nucleus Size

The nucleus is smaller in size as compared to lymphoblast.

Lymphoblast, on the other hand, is larger and has got thick chromatin pigments.


Myeloblast contains less condensed chromatin.

Lymphoblast, on the other hand, has more condensed chromatin.


20 um

15 um.

Differentiated into

Myeloblast is differentiated into basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils.

Lymphoblast, on the other hand, can be differentiated into T and B lymphocytes.

What is Myeloblast?

Myeloblast is nothing but they are called as immature white blood cells that are formed in the bone marrow and further when they mature they form granulocytes. Now, you might be wondering why these cells are necessary for the human body.

Well, the myeloblast though found in the bone marrow triggers maturation, differentiation, proliferation, and for the survival of the cell. Myeloblast differs from the lymphoblast in many ways and also has got a different function in the human body.

These cells are also called band cells where the nucleus of these cells has shapes as they can be in S, C or in V shape unlike the shape of Lymphoblast’s nucleus that is round. Since these cells are immature and take time to mature they take up some time to process.

Myeloblasts undergo a process and ultimately they form into the band cells as mentioned above (basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils). Now, when malfunctioning occurs then it leads to myeloblast leukemia. This is the condition where all the immature myelocytes gets collected into the peripheral blood.

Yes, this is where we should know the difference between myeloblast and lymphoblast because everything is based from the diagnostic point of view. Unfortunately, there is no cure for leukemia but having a healthy diet and avoiding the consumption of tobacco might help.

What is Lymphoblast?

Lymphoblast or lymphocyte becomes larger when they get stimulated with an antigen. These cells are also immature cells and when matured gets developed into a mature lymphocyte. These cells too are found or formed in the bone marrow.

Now, these cells too have important functions in the human body to perform. These cells play a significant role in the development of blood cells in the human body. Blood cells are important for and yes blood cells must be healthy too because it is the blood cells that carry all the oxygen and the nutrients to the other cells of the body.

Other than that blood cells also help fight against any kind of infection and regulates bleeding. Now, you can imagine how lymphoblasts play a significant part for the survival of human beings. Myeloblast and lymphoblast both are found in the bone marrow but the cells do not look alike.

The nucleus of the lymphoblast cells is round in shape and they are larger and have thick chromatin pigments in it. Altogether the size of a lymphoblast is much bigger than myeloblast.

Main Differences Between Myeloblast and Lymphoblast

  1. Myeloblast and lymphoblast cells are found in the bone marrow and both perform an important function.
  2. Lymphoblast is responsible for the development of red blood cells inside our body.
  3. The nucleus inside the myeloblast cell is S, V or C shaped whereas the nucleus of the lymphoblast is round-shaped.
  4. Myeloblast cells are considered to have less condensed chromatin whereas lymphoblast is said to have more condensed chromatin.
  5.  The diameter of a myeloblast cell is said to be 20 micrometers whereas the diameter of a lymphoblast is said to be 15 micrometers.
  6. Myeloblast can be further differentiated into basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils whereas lymphoblast can be differentiated into T and B lymphocytes.


In the end, it is important to know the differences between these two cells that perform quite vital functions inside our body. Physicians should also know how they are different and if they have the knowledge then it would be easier to treat malfunctioning that occurred inside the body.

After all first of all, we have to take care of our body by keeping our body healthy. Many people have the habit of consuming alcohol daily which will definitely affect the health of their body one day or another.


  1. https://www.jci.org/articles/view/110472
  2. https://academic.oup.com/ajcp/article-abstract/134/3/429/1766450