Difference Between Nation and State

Nation vs State

The words nation and state are sometimes used as synonyms. Sometimes, state is used as a synonymn for nation or country, but nation and state have their own repective identities.

A nation can be defined as group of people who are bound together into a single body, through history, customs, value, language, culture, tradition, art and religion. On the contraray, a state can be defined as a patch of land with a sovereign government.

A nation can be defined as a politico-cultural entity, which is identified by its unique character and collective rights. On the other hand, a state can be defined as a politico-judicial entity, which is identified by its sovereign rights.

When looking at the etymology, ‘nation’ has been derived from the latin word, ‘natio’, which means a ‘set of people’. State is a word that has been derived from the Latin’s ‘Status’, which means ‘status’ or ‘condition’.

Well, the states together form a nation. However, a state will have a separate political entity within a nation. Though the states have their own rules, and can also bring in new laws, they must adhere to the national laws. The states cannot frame laws that is of no interest to the nation.

A nation can be refered to as the holder of soverignity, that has a big role in developing the fundamental norms of a state. A nation will have a constitution, whereas a state will not have a separate constitution.

The policies pertaining to national interest are taken by the government at the national level, but the state governments cannot formlate such policies.


1. A state is sometimes used as a synonymn for nation or country.

2. States together, form a nation.

3. A nation can be defined as a politico-cultural entity, which is identified by its unique character and collective rights. On the contrary, a state can be defined as a politico-judicial entity, which is identified by its sovereign rights.

4. A nation can be defined as group of people who are bound together into a single body, through history, customs, value, language, culture, tradition, art and religion. A state can be defined as a patch of land with a sovereign government.

5. A nation can be refered to as the holder of soverignity.

6. Policies pertaining to national interest are taken by the government at the national level, but the state governments cannot formlate such policies.

7. The word ‘nation’ has been derived from the latin ‘natio’, which means a ‘set of people’. State is a word that has been derived from the Latin ‘Status’, which means ‘status’ or ‘condition’.