Difference Between NAVMAN and TOMTOM

NAVMAN and TOMTOM are two of the top companies that manufacture GPS devices.It is not easy to find difference between NAVMAN and TOMTOM. Along with Garmin, NAVMAN and TOMTOM form a trinity that rules the GPS enabled device market. Both TOMTOM and NAVMAN make quality GPS devices that are known to be reliable and have a user interface that is simple making devices easy to use. Depending upon your budget, you can select a device from either of the two after comparing the features where one or the other wins based upon an analysis of features. It is often prudent to not go by the price tag or look for the cheapest one on offer by these companies, it is better to match features with your own requirements.


TOMTOM scores over NAVMAN with its sleek looks and innovative designs when it comes to size and looks. Though NAVMAN products are as reliable as TOMTOM, its products often have an awkward shape making them difficult to carry in your pocket. TOMTOM products have a sharper look and more trendy.


Though both TOMTOM and NAVMAN devices are efficient, they seem to be more efficient in clear weather. Overall, while driving in city conditions, TOMTOM is a bit slower in response time than NAVMAN.


Both TOMTOM and NAVMAN have a huge collection of points of interest but NAVMAN lags in the North American market. TOMTOM also poses problems for the user in this regard as many of the POI need to be downloaded from its official site.


NAVMAN scores over TOMTOM in this regard as most of its models with comparable features are available at cheaper prices.

Total Package

NAVMAN can be considered a winner among the two, but its weak presence in North America is its weak point. TOMTOM is more established in America with much better sales.