Difference Between NDM and FTP (With Table)

Files can be exchanged or transferred in more than one way. However, there are different protocols you need to go through to make these transfers easy. NDM and FTP are both used to transfer files. This is what makes it hard to distinguish between the two of them. People often end up getting confused about the uses of these two. 


The main difference between NDM and FTP is that NDM can be used to transfer files from a mainframe or midrange computers. But, FTP is the protocol that aids in the transfer of files between a server and a client in the computer networking system. 

Comparison Table Between NDM and FTP

Parameters of Comparison



Full form

The full form of NDM is Network Data Mover.

The full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol


The cost of NDM is relatively high

The cost of FTP is not so high.


NDM is known for providing encrypted high data security.

FTP does not provide encrypted high data security


NDM is known for compressing data

FTP cannot compress data. 


Checkpoint restart option is a choice you can opt for in NDM.

FTP does not provide any such options. 

What is NDM? 

NDM or Network Data Mover is a software product that mainly aids in the transfer of different files from mainframe or midrange computers. Initially, it was designed just for the mainframes, but as time passed by and technology expanded, other systems were incorporated too.

NDM is now named the Connect:Direct. In the year 1993, Sterling Software took over the Systems Center Inc. that resulted in the sudden name change. The method was advantageous and immediately became more popular as co pared to FTP as it made the work easier and reliable. 

There are a lot of benefits of using this software. Some of them are:

  1. The file delivery is reliable: With provisions for systems like automatic scheduling, checkpoint restart. It also has some automatic recovery option which makes sure that the files are delivered properly. 
  2. It also guarantees file transfer securely. It takes care of every measure and also keeps the entire customer details safe and private. 
  3. It can handle a lot of workloads. No matter how big your files are, this software can transfer them with easy and quick. It can take care of all of your demands. Be like it a small file or a large file worth hundreds of gigabytes- NDM can do it all.
  4. It is relatively easy to use. The installation process is easy and the time taken to install is less too. 
  5. The security system is considered quite advanced and high with encryption. 
  6. It is available for use through different platforms like Microsoft Windows, Linux, IBM z/OS, and a lot of others. 

There are two types of Connect:Direct servers- PNODE and SNODE. PNODE stands for primary Connect:Direct server while SNODE stands for secondary Connect:Direct server. SNODE is mainly responsible for receiving all the files that have been transferred that placing them in their designated local files. 

In simple words, we can say that the NDM is used in the transfer of various files between different enterprises or sometimes even with the same enterprise. IBM App Connect Enterprise and IBM Sterling use this technology. 

What is FTP?

In the computer networking system, the protocol used in order to transfer different files between a server and a client or vice versa is known as File Transfer Protocol or FTP. 

Its entire architecture is a client-server model. Different data and control processes or connections are used in this data transfer between a server and a client. It uses a standard authentication protocol that requires the user to sign in to the network with a password and username. 

SSL/TLS (FTPS) secures the File Transfer Protocol. Initially, the software was operated using command line programs. But, as technology advanced, graphical user interfaces were introduced in the different operating systems. HTML Editors have incorporated FTP in their work. 

There are different types of FTP

  1. FTP: This is the standard File Transfer Protocol used in the transfer of various files.
  2. FTPS: FTP Secure is more like an extension supporting the different security protocols. 
  3. FTPES: Explicit FTP is almost identical to that of FTPS. It has similar roles too but the area of the application might be different. 

Main Differences Between NDM and FTP 

  1. NDM offers a lot of features and controls such as audit and logging. It has some elaborate processes for such features. On the other hand, FTP does not contain any control or elaborate processes.
  2. When it comes to tackling large data packets, NDM is way more useful. Its features are fully automated which makes it almost an asset in such cases. But, FTP does not work so efficiently. You have to follow up on every step during the transfer and download of different files. 
  3. Encryption comes free with NDM. So, it promises completely secure data. On the other hand, FTP does not guarantee total security. But, it does possess an option for encryption that could enhance the data security a bit.
  4. Since NDM uses compressed data as stated before, incredibly low bandwidth is used by it. The data used by FTP is not compressed so the bandwidth used by FTP is quite high.
  5. Services included in the NDM comprise both post and pre-processing features. On the other hand, FTP only includes post-processing features. 


Taking the popularity measure into consideration- NDM beats FTP. But, both of them have their own pros and cons, and certain other perks too. They are both used to transfer different files, but the processes are different. Just like NDM transfers files from a mainframe, FTP focuses on a more traditional client-server method. Dealing with huge files with FTP can sometimes pose a problem for which people mainly use NDM now. 


  1. http://www.hjp.at/doc/rfc/rfc959.html