Difference Between Near East and Middle East

Near East vs the Middle East

Near East and Middle East are terms that refer to geographical areas. Before the first World War, Near East referred to the Balkans and the Ottoman empire, and the Middle East referred to Afghanistan, Iran, Turkestan, Central Asia, and Caucasus.

After the Ottoman Empire disappeared in 1918, the area called the Near East was not used, and the Middle East came to be used for the entire region.

Near East has referred to the countries in Western Asia that lie between Iran and the Mediterranean Sea. Middle East is referring to the region that includes North Africa and Western Asia.

“Middle East” was a term that was coined in 1902 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. The term was mainly derived as part of the British colonial rule. “Middle East” as described by the British included the region from Mesopotamia to British India. They described “Near East” as the region of the Ottoman realm which included modern Albania, Greece, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Israel, Syria, and Jordan.

“Near East” was a term that came into use during the 1890s after the European powers faced two critical situations. British archaeologists D. G. Hogarth’s “Nearer East,” published in 1902, which defined the term “Near East.” The publication defined “Near East” as a region that included the Balkan peninsula (Southern Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Albania), Armenia, Egypt, Western parts of Iran, Entire Arabian Peninsula, and Anatolia. In a modern concept, all North African countries come under the Northeast region whereas the South Caucasus countries are not included.


1.Before the first World War, the Near East referred to the Balkans and the Ottoman empire and Middle East referred to Afghanistan, Iran, Turkestan, Central Asia and Caucasus.
2.After the Ottoman Empire disappeared in 1918, the area called Near East was not used and Middle East came to be used for the entire region.
3.Near East has referred to the countries in Western Asia that lie between Iran and the Mediterranean Sea. Middle East is referring to the region that includes North Africa and Western Asia.
4.Middle East was a term that was coined in 1902 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. Near East was a term that came into use during the 1890s after the European powers faced two critical situations. British archaeologists D. G. Hogarth’s “Nearer East,” published in 1902, which defined the term “Near East.”
5.In a modern concept, all North African countries come under the Northeast region whereas South Caucasus countries are not included.