Difference Between Necklace and Chain (With Table)

Since pre-historic times jewelry has played a very significant role in several communities and cultures. Although nowadays they are worn as a fashion statement that also holds a lot of symbol and meaning based upon what one is what and where is it being worn. Two types of jewelry that is often confused between is a necklace and a chain

Necklace vs Chain

The main difference between Necklace and Chain is that a necklace typically is a heavier piece of jewelry. On the other hand, a chain is a more lightweight piece of jewelry. A necklace can exclusively be worn over an individual’s neck however a chain can be worn on the wrist, ankle, and neck of an individual. 

A necklace in prehistoric times played a key role in certain cultures over the world. Necklace even to this date provides an individual with extensive expression, along with being a social and status symbol. A necklace is usually wrapped around one’s neck these days. They are made up of precious metals and stones.

A chain is a sleek-looking piece of jewelry that is made up via connecting two or more links. a chain is a single piece of jewelry that can be worn on its own however it is also worn with charms and pendants.

Comparison Table Between Necklace and Chain

Parameter of Comparison





Narrow or thin


Neck jewelry

Can be worn on the neck, wrist, and ankle


Heavier form of a chain with additional designs or work






Consists of a fixed pendant or design welded onto the chain

Detachable charms and pendants can be added


Typically not a piece of everyday wear jewelry

Designed for daily wearing

Jewelry Type

Heavyweight jewelry

Lightweight jewelry

What is Necklace?                                              

A necklace is a piece of jewelry usually worn by women around their necks. A necklace can be a piece of artificial jewelry or jewelry made up of precious metals and stones. A necklace is popularly made up of precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum, using these materials makes the necklace a very highly valuable piece of jewelry. Necklace often is also used as a wealth and status symbol.

A necklace originally comprises a chain or a band that is layered around the neck. The chain further has permanently welded attachments that provide the necklace with a unique design. These attachments can either be made up of precious metals same as that of a necklace or precious stones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, and many more.

Initially, in pre-historic times, necklaces were originally made up using tones, bones, and feathers. That has been replaced by metals in today’s time. The length of a necklace can vary from being a very short necklace often known as a choker or a dog collar. It can also be longer that can be up to the length of one’s waist. A necklace is worn as a state piece by individuals. Its unique design bears the individual with attention and appreciation.

What is Chain?

A chain is a piece of jewelry that is more typically worn around the neck. A chain is worn by both men and women. The structure of a chain is formed via linking or connecting pieces or metals or nonmetals they are designed strategically of similar shape and size. A chain is usually made up of two or more links that are connected. The structure of a necklace that is composed of links and therefore has several joints gives it a very flexible structure.

A chain on itself does not have any additional attachment apart from a clasp that is used to fasten it. However, temporary attachments such as charms or pendants can be added to a chain. A chain is typically worn over the individual’s neck however it can also be worn on wrists, ankles, and waist. Chains are majorly worn for aesthetic value.

The linkage that is used to construct a chain can be of several types such as trace, rope, rolo, Figaro, Singapore, and many more. All these linkages have different mechanisms and structures. Chains are typically a very lightweight piece of jewelry that is preferred to be worn as daily wear.

Main Differences Between Necklace and Chain

  1. A necklace is a piece of jewelry that is typically worn over an individual’s neck, whereas a chain is a piece of jewelry that can be worn on the wrist, ankle, and neck of an individual.
  2. A necklace is typically thicker in breadth than a necklace. Whereas a chain usually is much thinner and sleek looking.
  3. A necklace is a heavier version of a chain with additional design work permanently engraved or welded into the neckpiece. However, a chain is formed up of an interconnected chain link that is made up of two or more links.
  4. A necklace has a more rigid structure with not much flexibility as a chain however as it consists of two or more links it is flexible and durable.
  5. A necklace does not consist of any additional attachment all the designs and stones are permanently attached to the neckpiece and are presented as a whole. Whereas, a chain has no additional attachments; however external removable attachments such as pendants and charms can be added to a piece of chain.
  6. A necklace being a heavier piece of jewelry is not suitable for everyday wear. Whereas a chain being more lightweight and sleek looking is more appropriate for a piece of everyday jewelry.


Jewelry holds a lot of importance in one’s culture apart from being a fashion statement. The most common significant feature of jewelry is that it provides an individual with a certain amount of social and status symbols. Along with that what type of jewelry an individual is wearing and where it is being worn also has a lot of significance. Two of the most popular jewelry type that is worn around the neck is a necklace and a chain.

While a necklace is a piece of single statement jewelry that can be worn as it is, as it consists of extensive metal and jewel work, a chain is a customizable piece of jewelry. A chain can also be worn on its own however detachable additions can be put such as charms and pendants.             


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7540339/
  2. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/09590551211245416/full/html?mobileUi=0&fullSc=1&mbSc=1&fullSc=1&fullSc=1&fullSc=1&fullSc=1