Difference Between Next Generation TV Technology and Applications

The development of TV technology with the incorporation of Smart features leads to a large screen computer experience with reasonable computing power. So in future manufactures will develop more applications for TV or some developers may even develop an open source operating system for TV so that any one can write multimedia Internet related applications for TV.

Today people talk about PC, Laptop, Smartphone, and Tablet operating systems, people will talk about TV operating system soon. TV will have a processor as well as a Memory to execute instructions and run applications. Basically it’s a hybrid device to cater the needs of TV and Computer.


News and Media Channels will introduce News Push notifications for Smart TV, News Feeds for Smart TV, eNews Paper for Smart TV and more.

Internet Access TV Technology

Like Wi-Fi and LAN connection, in future TVs will come with LTE or 4G enabled or WiMAX enabled which can connect to Internet directly.

Service Providers

TV will come with built in functionality to connect to Internet either via cable, DSL or Wireless. Internet Service providers or content providers will offer IPTV or Video on demand services. Other companies will also concentrate to develop contents for wide screen TVs like eLearning, Video Conferring, Remote Learning and etc.

TV could also get a Phone number to dial for Video Calling. Already Skype is available for Smart TVs.

TV Applications or Apps

Like Content Developers, TV application developers will introduce applications for Smart TVs. Since there are closer to million applications for Apple and Android (Both), either of the TV operating system will be made capable of playing them or a separate box comes as built-in with TV which runs android and results video, audio out to Smart TV.

Touch Screen Experience

To experience the Touch Screen, You can have a remote control like application runs on your SmartPhone or Tablet or Pad , which will be having the TV Desktop and Widgets , basically its like remote TV desktop on your smart devices, so that you can use touch screen as input device for your TV.

(This is an imaginary article)