Difference Between Night and Day Cream

Night vs Day Cream

People use creams for a glowing skin and also for maintaining a healthy skin. People use different types of creams like Night and day creams, which are different in their effects.

One of the main differences between day and night cream is that day creams have ingredients that protect the skin from Ultra Violet rays whereas the night creams do not have such ingredients.

While day cream gives the right amount of nutrition required for the daytime, the night cream refills and restores any nutrition that has been lost during the daytime. Unlike the day cream, the night creams contain more vitamins as the body absorbs more of these during night.

Day creams contain less oil than night creams. Moreover, day creams are much lighter than the night creams. The night creams are highly concentrated, thicker and stronger than day creams. If night creams are used in daytime, these will give a greasy look.

Night creams are known to repair and moisturise the skin. The night creams contain ingredients like Vitamin C, retinol and alpha hydroxy acids, which help in strengthening the skin’s defensive shield.

Day creams give the skin protection from the harmful factors. Day creams also help in hydrating the skin as there is a possibility of getting dehydrated out in the sun. Day creams also have a light consistency, which helps the pores breathe properly.

Day creams are meant to protect the skin from harmful things. The day creams also helps the skin to fight pollution. The anti-oxidant ingredients help in protecting the skin from deteriorating because of the impact of several factors.


1. Day creams have ingredients that protect the skin from Ultra Violet rays whereas the night creams do not have such ingredients.

2. Day cream gives the right amount of nutrition required for the daytime. Night cream refills and restores any nutrition that has been lost during the daytime.

3. Day creams contain less oil than night creams.

4. Unlike the day cream, the night creams contain more vitamins as the body absorbs more of these during night.

5. The night creams are highly concentrated, thicker and stronger than day creams. Day creams are much lighter than the night creams.

6. Day creams help in hydrating the skin as there is a possibility of getting dehydrated more in the sun.

7. Unlike the night creams, day creams have a light consistency, which helps the pores breathe properly.