Difference Between North and South Jersey

North vs South Jersey

The major differences between South and North Jersey is the cost of living, population density, traffic, high taxes, and real estate costs. North Jersey has mostly hills and low mountains, with an expensive living style; people pay higher taxes and have more job opportunities. North Jersey is close to NYC, and has more city life and more crowded streets and roads, clogged with motor cars; South Jersey has Philadelphia as its neighbor. Malls are full of people shopping, and there are better schools and public transport, larger homes and schools, when compared to South Jersey. North Jersey is one of the most expensive areas to live in. Southern Jersey is about 30% cheaper.

The difference between North and South Jersey folks is that Northerners are stereotypical, honest and busy, with no time to meet and greet, whereas Southerners have a polite behavior, but hidden sarcasm. Southerners usually have different meanings hidden behind their words, and the subtleties of the southern language is hard to understand. Northerners use honest and direct speech, and they generally speak faster, with open sarcasm and curse frequently. The culture of the North in comparison to the South, in many ways, is harder to adapt to, due to conversation moves. The Northern culture depicts honesty and efficiency, unlike the Southern, which is more like living in a spy novel where everyone speaks in a code or an alien language.

North Jerseys are overwhelmed by New York sports, and South Jersey folks are Eagles and Macaroons fans. You are a Southerner if you call common tourists ‘shoobies’, and ask for jimmies as ice cream toppings. You are in South Jersey if the nearest store to your house is Wawa, and on Friday night in the summers you avoid the Atlantic City Expressway. Northerners call tourists ‘bennies’, and like to have sprinkles as an ice cream topping. In South Jersey, you have hoagies instead of subs as in North Jersey, whereas you would prefer Italian ice and say ‘wooder’ for ‘wahtar’ and ‘mawl’ for ‘shahp’ if you are in South Jersey.

It is not quite sure where the magical line divides North and South Jersey. Southerners overwhelmed by Philadelphia residents and Northerners are dazzled by New York, as quoted by Benjamin Franklin: That “this state is a barrel tapped at both ends.”


1. The difference between North and South Jersey is more diverse than many larger states, although they are just tiny states.

2. Northerners are rude, straight forward, blunt and sarcastic when compared to Southerners, who have polite but hidden meanings in their manner of speech.

3. South Jersey is neater and cleaner than North Jersey, which is over-crowded with people and has heavy traffic on its roads.

4. Southerners are Philly-based, and they watch Philadelphia Television, whereas Northerners are NY-based, and prefer New Yorker lifestyles.

5. North Jersey folks pay higher taxes and have more costly real estate with richer lifestyles when compared to Southerners.