Difference Between NTFS and NTFS Quick (With Table)

Computers are one of the most useful and important inventions of mankind. They are very useful in this modern world. NTFS and NTFS Quick are used to format the computer when a new operating system is installed. Both the NTFS and NTFS Quick are specific in their uses. NTFS stands for New Technology File System.

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Main Differences Between NTFS and NTFS Quick

  1. NTFS is slower when compared to NTFS Quick. But NTFS prevents major loss in formatting while NTFS Quick does not minimize the data loss.
  2. NTFS deletes all the files and checks the disk while formatting. But NTFS only formats the file. It does not check the files.
  3. NTFS is advised to be used in the new drives, while NTFS Quick is not advised to be used in the new drives, but it can be used in old drives.
  4. NTFS was first used in the operating windows NT 3.1, whereas NTFS Quick was first used in windows 3.4.
  5. NTFS was introduced in the year 1993, while NTFS Quick was introduced in the year 1995.


NTFS and NTFS Quick are similar, but they differ in their formatting speed. NTFS takes a much longer time, but it checks the disk while deleting. NTFS Quick is fast when compared to NTFS. But NTFS Quick does not check the drive while deleting. NTFS Quick skips certain steps that are taken by NTFS since it is not much needed.

NTFS minimizes the possibility of data loss while NTFS Quick only checks it. But it can lead to major data loss. Both NTFS and NTFS Quick are used in different operating systems. They are very useful for the systems for formatting their drives. The Operating system like Windows, Mac OS, and other operating systems use this NTFS and NTFS Quick.


  1. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/windows-xp-whats-the-difference-between-ntfs-and/baa2c63f-adb6-4d94-83c8-cfc5776173de
  2. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=m8MIdcmVcV4C&pg=PT192&lpg=PT192&dq=ntfs+vs+ntfs+quick+books&source=bl&ots=hp0Rw-OL8v&sig=ACfU3U0ciB1ZFGeBYbjnNSmajNbLQZKp0g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjai638o_DzAhVLyDgGHXADB10Q6AF6BAglEAM#v=onepage&q=ntfs%20vs%20ntfs%20quick%20books&f=false