Difference Between Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy

Occupational Therapy vs Physiotherapy

Sound familiar, doesn’t it? Fact is, there is a lot of difference between the two. Occupational therapy and physiotherapy do share a number of common areas. However, they differ fundamentally so far as their target and method of operation are concerned.

Physiotherapy basically deals with evaluating and maintaining the physical functions in a human body. They deal with your injuries, bone and healthy functioning of other body parts. Occupational therapy is a bit different. It deals with physical aspects, but only so far as they affect your capacity to do something that is related to your occupation or well being. They help you in doing things that are either related to your work or things that are needed for your welfare.

Physiotherapy deals with your muscles, bone and other physical aspects. They are not involved in the mental or emotional wellbeing of the patient. An occupational therapist is actively involved in the mental faculties of the patient. They work together with traumatized or mentally ill patients also. They work on issues like depression, stress and lack of motivation. The whole thing is targeted at making your experience on the job better.

Occupational therapy focuses on understanding and improving the functional abilities of a person. An occupational therapist is not concerned with the physical injuries of a person. Instead, he stresses on ensuring that the person can lead an optimal life, in spite of his injuries. He is not a person who generally prescribes medicines.

Physical therapy, on the other hand, focuses on treating the person’s injury and also on preventing his injuries too. He will treat the tissues and muscles that are injured. He is a person with an extensive knowledge of both anatomy and other specialized areas like the musculoskeletal system. He is, in all probability, more knowledgeable about these injuries than your medical doctor. So, his methods of treatment may include exercises, massage and some amount of medicines.

Both the fields are interesting and important in their own right. While one is important for the person to recover from injuries and malfunctions of the muscles and limbs, the other is important for overall well being of a person.

1. Physiotherapy deals with the muscles and limbs of a person. It helps in recovery and enables a person to move around. Occupational therapy deals with this and much more. It is all about a person making the best of his home as well as his occupation.
2. Physiotherapy does not involve anything about the mind. However, occupational therapy has a lot to do with the mental faculties of a person.
3. Occupational therapy helps a person in improving his functional abilities. Physical therapy focuses only on his physical abilities.
4. A physiotherapist may prescribe a few medicines. However, an occupational therapist generally doesn’t.