Difference Between OCEAN and HEXACO (With Table)

The human mind and human psychology are one of the most challenging areas to study. This is why a methodical technique was developed to aid in the process. Furthermore, when it comes to employing personnel for your company, personality is crucial. Character reveals a lot about a person’s work ethic and social position, and it can help you determine whether or not they are a suitable fit for your company’s culture.


The main difference between Ocean and Hexaco is that the Ocean model mainly focuses on Neuroticism. However, on the contrary, the Hexaco model mainly focuses on Honesty-Humility and Emotional stability. Both are personality trait models and are concerned with the development of personality or a particular trait in people.

Ocean, a personality test model, was created in 1936 and has been in use since then. Henry Odbert and Gordon Allport are responsible for the Ocean model’s structure and development. The ocean model, or this model of personality structure, is made up of five different variables. There are fifteen different versions of the Ocean model in total. The Ocean model is a personality test model that solely considers personality qualities that include Neuroticism.

Hexaco has been used since the early 2000s as a personality test model. Kibeom Lee, an organisational psychologist, and Michael C. Ashton, a Canadian, are the masterminds behind the Hexaco model’s framework and everything it stands for. Hexaco is a six-factor personality model. The Hexaco model has four different versions altogether. Emotional stability and Honesty-Humility are two personality traits addressed by the Hexaco model.

Comparison Table Between OCEAN and HEXACO

Parameters of Comparison



Development/ Existence


Around the 2000s

People responsible

Henry Odbert and Gordon Allport.

Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton

Constituting factors

Five factors

Six factors

Total versions



Personality traits difference


Emotional stability and Honesty-Humility

What is OCEAN?

Ocean, a personality assessment model, was created in 1936 and has been in use ever since. Henry Odbert and Gordon Allport are responsible for the structure and development of the Ocean model. This personality structure model, often known as the ocean model, is made up of five variables. The Ocean model has fifteen different variations to choose from. 

Neuroticism in the case of the Ocean model. Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Openness, Neuroticism, and Agreeableness are the five personality qualities or variables in the Ocean model of personality. When the first letter of all the traits is put together, they form the word, “OCEAN”. This model is also popular in names like big five or five-factor models. These theories are most relevant in workplaces.

Ocean constitutes of variety of personality characteristics. It crucially focuses on those traits that are important for employees in workplaces. Subgroups of linked personality characteristics can be found within the five factors.

What is HEXACO?

The model, Hexaco, has been in use to explore several aspects of psychology. It allows prediction based on prosocial behaviour and behavioural testing rather than just prosocial behaviour. The association between ethical and social behaviour has been supported in studies utilising the Hexaco model. Hexaco, a personality test model, has been developed and in use at workplaces since the early 2000s.

The personality model, Hexaco, is a personality classification system based on personality traits. As a result, factor analysis is frequently used in characteristic measuring approaches, such as the Hexaco model. Unfortunately, factor analysis does not always produce conclusions that can be duplicated and used in all situations. There are four different variations of the Hexaco model in total.

Kibeom Lee, an organisational psychologist, and Michael C. Ashton, a Canadian, are the masterminds behind the structure and everything behind the Hexaco concept. Hexaco is a personality structure model that consists of six elements. This personality test model, in the instance of the Hexaco model, deals with personality traits such as emotional stability and honesty-humility.

Main Differences Between OCEAN and HEXACO

  1. The personality test model Ocean was developed and has been in existence since the year 1936. On the other hand, the personality test model, Hexaco, has been in existence since the early 2000s.
  2. The people behind the structure and development of the Ocean model are Henry Odbert and Gordon Allport. On the other hand, the masterminds behind the structure and everything behind the Hexaco model are Kibeom Lee, who was an Organisational psychologist and Michael C. Ashton, who was from Canada.
  3. Ocean model or this model of personality structure constitutes a whole total of five factors. On the other hand, the model of personality structure, Hexaco, constitutes a total of six factors.
  4. The total number of versions that the Ocean model comprises is fifteen. On the other hand, the total number of versions that the Hexaco model comprises is four.
  5. In the case of the Ocean model, this personality test model deals with personality traits that include Neuroticism only. On the other hand, in the case of the Hexaco model, this personality test model deals with personality traits that include Emotional stability and Honesty-Humility.


In the present scenario, Human psychology is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult topics to work on or dwell on. As a result, determining a person’s personality requires a significant amount of research, time and work. This is why a methodical methodology was developed to assist with the process. Furthermore, when it comes to choosing employees for your company, personality matters a great deal.

Character reveals a lot about a person’s work ethic and social standing, and it can help you determine whether or not they are a suitable fit for your company’s culture. Not a single personality model exists that is hundred per cent comprehensive. However, Ocean and Hexaco include a variety of traits on personality to deal with. They both target workplace social norms and ethnic etiquette.

Subgroups of personality characteristics can be found within the five factors. Hexaco model does not comprise Neuroticism. However, it includes two more traits, Emotional stability and Honesty-Humility, which makes a total of six traits to be concerned with.


  1. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10869-019-09671-6.pdf
  2. https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.03060