Difference Between Offensive and Defensive Behavior

Offensive Behavior

People display offensive and defensive behavior in many situations, particularly during times of conflict. In a certain situation, one person can exhibit offensive behavior, while the other party can display defensive behavior as a response. Attacks and threats can be classified as either physical or psychological, and their effects can also be categorized as such.

Both offensive behavior and defensive behavior can involve the use of force and aggression; the difference lies in how that force or aggression is used in a situation. An offensive person will use force to secure a goal and try to eliminate the factors that might prevent them from securing it. On the other hand, a defensive person will use force or aggression in order to ward off an attack, make the threat go away, and prevent themselves from being injured.

This overlapping is also present in both states. There are instances where the concepts interact with each other—defense can shift to offense, and offense can change to defense.

In a given situation, the offensive person, via their offensive behavior, does the action, while the defensive behavior of the other party is a reaction to that action. This makes the person with the defensive behavior the recipient of the attack or threat. Some people have their own defense mechanisms to prepare for and anticipate a threat or attack.

The body reacts to both offensive behavior and defensive behavior. A person can experience an adrenaline rush, labored breathing, blood gushing to the face, perspiration, and an increased heart rate.


Offensive and Defensive Line

Offensive behavior stems from confidence and provocation, while defensive behavior draws mainly from fear and self-preservation. A person’s offensive behavior might be done on purpose (depending on the situation), while defensive behavior is purely an instinctive response.

Offensive behavior is often characterized by aggression, territoriality, confidence, a quick loss of temper, indifference to others, and other offensive behavioral traits. An offensive person also tends to be dominant, refuse submission, and always strive to advance themselves at the expense of others. Offensive people are also often inconsiderate of others, self-centered, and tend to ignore or attack other people with or without provocation.

Defensive behavior is a reaction to offensive attacks or threats. While offensive behavior can be seen in actions, defensive behavior and defensive mechanisms can be observed or may be subtler, depending on the temperament of the person exhibiting the behavior. Defensive behavior and mechanisms often vary from person to person.

Offensive behavior is often active, like a predator attacking or pursuing a prey, while defensive behavior is a passive posture. The offensive behavior of a person is the source of a negative cycle that involves stress, tension, and agitation between both parties. The defensive behavior can break this negative cycle if composure and level-headedness is maintained.


  1. Offensive behavior is characterized as an attacking and active attitude, while defensive behavior, coming from the recipient of all action and intention, is a combination of alertness and a passive position.
  2. Both behaviors can overlap – defensive behavior can cause a person to perform offensive actions, while offensive behavior is often rooted in defensive grounds.
  3. Offensive behavior is often the origin of conflict, while defensive behavior is a reaction to the conflict and threat.
  4. Offensive behavior starts the negative cycle, while the defensive behavior can break it.
  5. Offensive behavior leans towards obvious exhibition and expression in public, while defensive behavior and mechanisms are often subtle, internal reactions that can vary depending on the person.