Difference Between Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis

Oogenesis vs Spermatogenesis

Sex can be one of the most pleasurable things a couple can do. Some do it for fun while some do it for procreation. All of the species in this planet undergo different types of procreation. In mammals, the process is mostly the same. However, in order for procreation to take place, several processes must take place for the sperm and the egg cell.

The processes that will be tackled in this article are about oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Let us look at how the two processes differ.

Spermatogenesis is the process of producing sperm that is capable of bearing the right amount of chromosomes. Oogenesis, on the other hand, is the process of producing an ovum.

In spermatogenesis, there are five processes in order for a sperm to contain all the numbers of DNA and chromosomes. The first process is spermatocytogenesis, or mitosis, in which the cell type is spermatogonium and contains 2 copies of DNA with 46 chromosomes. Then the next two processes are spermatidogenesis or meiosis 1 then spermatidogenesis (meiosis 2) in which the spermatogonium becomes the primary spermatocyte then a secondary spermatocyte. The next process is spermiogenesis in which the secondary spermatocyte becomes spermatid with 1 copy of DNA and with 23 chromosomes. The final phase is called spermiation in which the spermatid is now called sperm which contains 1 copy of DNA and 23 chromosomes.

In oogenesis, there are only four processes in order for an ovum to contain the necessary number of chromosomes and DNA. The first one is oocytogenesis or mitosis. In this process, the egg cell is called an oogonium. The next process is ootidogenesis or meiosis 1 in which the oogonium becomes a primary oocyte. It will be followed by meiosis 2 and the primary oocyte becomes a secondary oocyte. The final phase is that the secondary oocyte becomes an ovum with the complete number of DNA and chromosomes.

Both of the processes are vital in order for the sperm and the egg cell to become mature and then be fertilized. When the union of the egg cell and the sperm cell takes place, the complete number of chromosomes will also be counted and processed. Thus, the number of chromosomes must also be the right number as those with a normal human.


1.Spermatogenesis is the process in which the sperm is produced while oogenesis is the process of producing the egg cell or ovum.
2.In spermatogenesis, there are five processes before a sperm is produced, but in oogenesis there are only four.