Difference Between Organic Farming and Conventional Farming

Organic Farming vs Conventional Farming

Basically, farming is cultivating of crops and raring of livestock for food, fiber and other products, to sustain the life of human beings. With the civilization, different farming systems were evolved. As an answer for the rapidly increasing demand over the agricultural products, conventional farming system was introduced with the Green Revolution. However, after few decades Agriculture Scientists have understood the ecological damage and negative health effects of conventional farming and introduced the organic farming system. Most of the principles of organic farming are from the original system that was practiced for thousands of years.

Organic Farming

Organic farming is producing agricultural products naturally, without using synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms to influence the crop growth or livestock production. The main focus behind this system is producing a safe, healthy food for consumption, while cutting the agriculture based environmental pollution down to zero level.

Conventional Farming

Conventional farming is the farming with the purpose of obtaining the maximum productivity as possible with the use of modern technology, without much considering the food safety and environment pollution. Application of synthetic chemicals, genetically modified organisms, and integrated pest management systems are very common in conventional farming.

What is the difference between Organic Farming and Conventional Farming?

Two main components of both farming systems are crop and livestock production. However, in conventional farming, synthetic agrochemicals such as inorganic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides and growth promoters, etc. are commonly used. But organic farming never uses synthetic agro chemicals, and it depends on organic fertilizers, certified bio-fertilizers, naturally produced pesticides etc. Genetically modified organisms produced through recombinant DNA technology are not allowed in organic farming. Such restrictions are not available in conventional farming.

There are national and international standards for organic farming, but could not find such standards in conventional farming. Farmers, before selling their organic farming produce, need to get a certificate, certifying that they are practicing agriculture operations according to the standards of the organic farming. Therefore, it takes few years to convert the ordinary farm into an organic farm, and farming system is continuously supervised. Such certifying system or supervision is not applicable in the conventional farming. However, certified organic products are very expensive compared to the other products in the market.

Organic farming system is eco-friendly system and soil/water conservation approaches, biodiversity conservation approaches, etc. are commonly practiced to cut down the environmental pollution to zero. Such approaches are not common in conventional farming and contribution for the environmental pollution is comparatively very high.

In Organic farming, agriculture practices such as crop rotation, biological pest control, biodynamic concepts, etc. are commonly practiced. Such practices are rare in conventional farming. Organic farming is more labour intensive and yield is lower compared to the conventional farming

Organic Farming vs Conventional Farming

1. Two major components of both farming systems are crop and livestock production.

2. Maximum productivity is the aim in conventional farming, and it is not so in organic farming.

3. There are national and international standards for organic farming. Could not find such standards in conventional farming.

4. Synthetic agrochemicals such as inorganic fertilizer, chemical pesticides, and growth promoters are utilized commonly in conventional farming, while such agro chemicals are not allowed in organic farming.

5. Organic fertilizer, natural pesticides, and bio-fertilizer are commonly applied in organic farming, while such applications are rare in conventional farming.

6. Genetically modified organisms are not allowed in the organic farming. However, such barriers are not in conventional farming.

7. Certified organic products are very expensive in the market by compared to the Conventional farming products.

8. Organic farming system is eco-friendly and environmental conservation approaches are very common. Such approaches are not common in conventional farming.

9. Contribution for the environmental pollution is zero in organic farming, while it is very high in conventional farming.

10. Organic farming is more labor intensive than the conventional farming.

11. Yield is low or varies in organic farming compared to the conventional farming.

12. Agronomic practices such as crop rotation, biological pest control, biodynamic concepts, etc. are common in organic farming; such practices are rare in conventional farming.

13. Organic farming can withstand severe weather conditions, while conventional farming cannot.

14. Products of organic farming are healthier and free from health hazards in comparison to the products of conventional farming.


Organic farming is much eco-friendly, and produces safe healthy food by compared to the conventional farming. Therefore, the time has come to shift from conventional farming to organic farming to safeguard the lives of people from health hazards and the environment from pollution.