Difference Between Overbite and Overjet

Overbite vs Overjet

Wouldn’t it be nice to have perfect teeth? To have teeth that are pearly white and well aligned? It is a constant source of envy to see pretty models on television and magazines displaying their perfect teeth. But then not all of us are born blessed with good teeth and there are many things that can be wrong with our teeth.

One such thing is called malocclusion, which is any disturbance in the normal alignment of teeth. This happens when the teeth are not positioned well and can result in unhealthy teeth. Malocclusion can cause difficulty in the brushing of teeth because the bristles cannot reach some of the teeth which can cause plaque to accumulate.

There are many types of malocclusion. Two of them are overbite and overjet. These two conditions are different from each other but some people are confused as to which one is which. Here are some of the characteristics and differences that distinguish one from the other:


An overbite is a condition wherein the upper teeth are slightly longer or more erupted than normal. It is the extent of the vertical overlap of the upper incisors over the lower incisors and is measured through the incisor ridges. It happens when the upper incisors cover more than one third of the lower incisor.

The overbite may be due to underdevelopment of the lower jaw or the discrepancy in the size of the teeth. If the upper teeth are larger than the lower teeth, then an overbite occurs. Sometimes an overbite can be caused by a skeletal problem which is harder to treat and would require surgery. After surgery, braces are still needed to help bring the teeth to their normal position.


An overjet is the condition wherein there is a big discrepancy in the distance between the upper and lower teeth. When the upper teeth visibly protrude, this is called overjet or buck teeth. Buck teeth or overjet happens more often than overbite and oftentimes an overjet happens when there is an overbite.

The placement of orthodontic braces will usually solve any problems with overjet. The braces will help align the upper teeth to have them in their normal positions. Some may take longer to treat while others will only require braces for a shorter period. Still, there are cases that are more severe and would require surgery.


1. An overbite is the condition wherein the upper incisors overlap and cover more than one third of the lower incisors, while an overjet is the condition wherein there is a discrepancy in the distance of the upper and lower teeth.
2. An overbite may caused by underdevelopment of the jaw and the difference in size of the teeth, while an overjet is caused by the difference in size and distance of the upper and lower teeth.
3. An overbite cannot be corrected by orthodontic braces alone; it must be corrected with a surgical procedure and the application of braces afterwards, while an overjet can be corrected by orthodontic braces.