Difference Between Oxycodone and Hydrocodone

Oxycodone Vs Hydrocodone

For patients experiencing pain, doctors would ideally recommend an ordinary dose of analgesic like Acetaminophen. But for cases that entail the worst types of pain, doctors have no other option but to resort to narcotic analgesics ‘“ the strongest pain relievers around. In this connection, two narcotics namely Oxycodone and Hydrocodone have been frequently prescribed, if not, used as a substitute drug for the more popular narcotic analgesics such as Morphine.

Hydrocodone is actually a generic name for many specific drug brands like Norco, Vicodin (a mix of Hydrocodone and acetaminophen), Lortab and dozens of other narcotics. As a narcotic analgesic, it is classified as a controlled substance belonging to Schedule III in the drug table because of its habit forming nature.

But Hydrocodone’s strength is even surpassed by Oxycodone. The drugs under the latter are all Schedule II medications (much stronger). Example drugs that are Oxycodone are Tylox, Roxilox and Percocet. It is more regulated than Hydrocodone for it can’t be called in to a pharmacy – you need a formal prescription prepared by a duly registered physician. Hydrocodone also has a lesser potential for abuse than Oxycodone.

In addition, both drugs have varied drug preparations that also tell about their respective drug strength. Aside from this, the two often show the same range of side effects, drug warnings, administration precautions and drug interactions. In their generic forms, they are less expensive and are usually taken per mouth. But be cognizant because the intake of such drugs can be fatal when administered in great dosages (overdose).

With a typical Oxycodone prescription, you need to secure another similar prescription for you to have a drug refill. With Hydrocodone, you can easily ask for a refill from the pharmacy (up to 6 refills within 5 months time) even without a new prescription for one. Your physician can also just fax or call the pharmacy regarding the Hydrocodone prescription.

Unlike Hydrocodone, Oxycodone can be available in itself (without incorporating other components like acetaminophen). The former is only sold commercially in combination with other drug components whose aim is more or less for the relief of pain as well.

1. Oxycodone is a stronger narcotic analgesic than hydrocodone.

2. Oxycodone is Schedule II while Hydrocodone is Schedule III.

3. Oxycodone has a greater abuse potential than Hydrocodone.

4. Oxycodone is a more regulated drug than Hydrocodone.

5. Oxycodone is available in itself unlike Hydrocodone that is always prepared in combination with other drug components.

6. Oxycodone can’t be called in to the pharmacy unlike Hydrocodone.