Difference Between Parrot and Macaw (With Table)

In the biodiversity of animals and plants there are different types of animals and plants. The flora and fauna are categorized on the basis of their habitat, adaptation, etc..For example terrestrial, aquatic, aerial.

Aerial animals are those animals which have the ability to fly, they have different characteristics than terrestrial or aquatic animals. Aerial animals are synonymous to birds. There are different species of birds around the world.

The aerial life is however getting depleted because of human activities, but still there are species alive which play an important role in maintaining the balance of nature. All species of birds have similar basic characteristics for example, they lay eggs, have hollow bones, have feathers, etc..

Beyond the fundamental similarities among all the birds, there are different secondary characteristics, for example some will have colourful feather bodies, some will have different shapes of noses, and different bills, etc..

Some of the species of aerial life or birds are; sparrows, crows, parrots, pigeons, eagles, vultures, flamingos, etc..

Parrot vs Macaw

The main difference between parrots and macaws is some of their physical features and appearance. The species of parrots is a broader term that covers the diversity of macaws, this means macaws are parrots but they are different from basic parrots.


Comparison Table Between Parrot and Macaw

Parameters of Comparison



Body size

Smaller in size

Larger in size


Eats nuts, insects , fruits,etc.

Eats Soil, nuts, Leaves,etc.


Found in all all Geographical region

Confined to tropical rainforest

Species and joiner

370 species

18 species

Rate of production

Hatches egg in 19 to 30 days.

Hatch egg Once or twice a year.


What is Parrot?

Parrots are the birds of pistoia, it is a common term used for a whole community of pistoia birds. Parrots are often considered as the green colored birds.

Parrots have 86 genres and 370 species. There is a wide community of birds covering all types of parrots like, lovebird, cockatoos, true parrots, New Zealand parrots, parrots, strigopidae,etc..all types of parrots are different from each other.  

Parrots have different sizes and physical characteristics, like they range in size between 3.5 to 40 inches with colorful bodies. Parrots are said to be the most unique and beautiful aerial animals.

There are few differences between male and female parrots. They lay eggs and in one brd they lay around 6 to 9 eggs in merely 19 to 30 days.

Parrots have distinctive features and appearance with unique bills and rash around the nose. They have colorful plumage with beautiful, strong, curved bills. They have smaller tails than macaws.       

Macros parrots are found all over the world except for Antarctica And their largest diversity is Found in South America and Australia . Diet includes nuts, Insects, fruits, nectarines, etc.. One of the most distinctive features of parrots is that They can produce voices of songs and some tunes.

The behavioural environment of parrots is complex, These animals exhibit Very social lifelong single marriage, Moreover they have great potential of learning  new things and  they are found in habitats across the world  varying from jungle to Deserts. 

Parrots are  very intelligent Birds they are somewhat synonyms of two young kids.   they can mimic people easily. It is believed that parents are more talkative than young parrots. One of the most talkative parrots is African Grey Parrot. It can do tasks such as counting, mimicking, etc..


What is Macaw?

Macaw is a type of parrot which has 18 species and 6 genus.  They are part of the parrot community but there are some differences which make Macaw distinctive than other parrots.

In their physical appearance makaut have separate sections of bare skin  and fine rows  of feathers over their mouth and reach the base of the bill.  They have long feather tails which  makes them different from other parrots.

They brood once or  twice in a year. Hue takes time to get mature and their habitat is often seen to be a  tree trunk or near any river Basin. they breed  slowly. Due to their size it is believed that they take time to get mature.

Diet of Macau includes stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc..Amazon Macau are said to feed on soil. It is believed that they get dietary fibres through soil. We are generally found in tropical rainforests or woody Mexico from Central Mexican to South America.

We have a small head around the nose which is again a distinctive feature. The lines of fine feathers around the empty  patch is proved to be the unique feature It often looks like a fingerprint of a human being.

They live in familiar flocks, The presence of these flocks indicates the help of rainforest and the other flora and fauna. are getting extinct around five species of Macaw Parrots are extinct and the few left are also getting endangered.

The most believed factor that led to the extinction of Macaw parrots is deforestation andThe unsolicited pet trade such animals are often used illegally as pets and also  tamed  to work in  places like Circus.

They have colourful bodies with large body size. They are intelligent Birds just like other parrots but the only distinctive feature is their large body size in terms of physical appearance.

Main Differences Between Parrot and Macaw

  1. Parrot is a common name For a community of birds whereas Macau is a type of parrot.
  2. Parrots are smaller in size on contrary macaws are larger in size.
  3. Parrots produce 9 to 6 eggs in 19 to 30 days whereas Macau takes time in getting mature.
  4. Parrots are found all over the world in regards to Geography physical features whereas metals are confined to Tropical rainforest.
  5. Parrots have  86 genera and 370  species. On the other hand, macaws have 18 species and 6 genus.



Parrot and Macau are birds with distinctive features; all the markers are a type of parrot. Parrot is a wider term which includes macaw as well. Macaws have some distinctive features than other parrots.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00231940.1967.11760540